I would like to know if indeed aggreation of AB1-42 is slowed down in DMSO, is it necessary to use 100% DMSO, or can the DMSO be diluted and still have the same affected of slowing aggregation?
Actually, abeta fibril formation is greatly influenced by DMSO. At 100% DMSO the peptide is a monomer. Diluting the DMSO down to around 10% will induce fibril formation,
Article Specific Binding of Alzheimer’s Abeta Peptide Fibrils to Sin...
I have used 70% DMSO to depolymerise preformed Abeta amyloid fibrils (ThT fluorescence).
And to opposite of the above effect.... I have used 5-10% DMSO to induce Abeta amyloid fibril formation (included vigorous agitation at 45 deg C).
Although it does not answer your question ... but I am sure you can use dilute conc of DMSO to prevent Abeta aggregation.
One thing which u can do is - make Abeta amyloid fibrils, then take a portion of it and incubate in different conc of DMSO for 10 mins (in a 20ul rxn volume). Measure Tht fluorescence. This would tell you the lowest DMSO conc required for keeping the abeta monomeric. Hope this helps.