Scientists are gathering to change the weight of one kilogram in a more stable unit of measurement

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In the French city of Sevres, west of Paris at the International Bureau of Weights and Measurements and under three glass lanterns, lies one of the most indispensable units in our daily lives, kilograms. , Today scientists say that this metal block has been referred to retire.

The mass that weighs exactly 1,000 grams has for many decades been the only reference for all countries in the world using the metric system. Once every 40 years scientists from each country come to Sever to compare it with a kilogram called Prototype K to make sure that There were no fines on their clothes, and nothing was missing from them.

But this weight mass, made of a platinum and iridium alloy that has been adopted for 129 years, is flawless. It is constantly exposed to the accumulation of dust atoms, which increases its weight. Its cleaning also causes erosion of platinum atoms, which results in an opposite result. Nevertheless, it has survived among all seven metric units in the metric world as the last real measuring unit still used to calibrate world kilograms.

Fate is a must

As the science and technology of measuring instruments progressed, the other six measurement units (distance, second, time, quantity and ampere for power and kevin for temperature and brightness for power of illumination) underwent a radical change, replaced by real comparison models to mathematical comparison models. For example, Metal ruler found at the International Bureau of Weights and Measurements at 0 ° C The 1960 was based on a more stable measurement based on the length of the number of light waves emanating from the radioactive Krypton 86 atom, and in 1983 it became dependent on the speed of light in the vacuum.

Next week, the kilogram unit will officially join its counterparts, and will be voted on by scientific figures from 57 countries at the General Conference of weights and measurements in Versailles. Although this change has been tentatively approved, the aim of the vote is to ease the tension that may result from what some have called a "revolution in the world of measurement units".

"I've been thinking about this for the rest of my life as a scientist," says Stefan Schlaminger, a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology at The Guardian.

In recent history, the kilogram has undergone a series of experiments that it attempted to replace with a unit derived from a standard constant such as the Avogadro Project, which was determined by a ball weight made of a pure silicon element of exactly 93.6 millimeters, based on the atomic weight of silicon and the unchanged number of avogadro. But it was also a question.

In 2003, a German research center identified the kilogram by accumulating ions (atoms or charged particles) using electrodes and a constant electric current.

Scientists now determine the new kilogram by means of a mass derived from a number that is rooted in quantum physics. It is Planck's constant, using a complex balance called a "cable balance" to calibrate one kilogram by comparing it with a specific electromagnetic force rather than using a physical mass.

"The greatest satisfaction for me would be the completion of the historical course that began with the French Revolution," says Schlamminger, adding that "the idea was to have a single measurement system for all times and for all people." We have always had problems with the stability of the kilogram unit, To all people at all times, and the Planck constant is unchanging, it is always the same and available to all and its value is derived from the fabric of the universe in which we live. "

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