I'm actively looking for a library of olfactory receptor. The goal is to have the broadest diversity. Do you have any idea about academic or commercial resources? Any advice for generating such library? Thank you.
No known library, per se. We are accumulating our own library from the NCBI website. There are problems due to frequent updates, postings that are clearly wrong, and confusions over how to label them, but it is the best we have.
Thanks Thomas for your answer. I'm from an Immunology and antibody background. Have you ever thought about generating a library based on genetic similarities of GPCR or fully synthetic library? My interest is not much affected by the accuracy of the sequence but much more on the diversity even though it's artificial. I'm going to check your publication.Do you mind if I contact you directly by email? Best regards.
Dominique- I am in private industry, am not allowed to publish, and so have no publications to view. If I were in academia, it would be different, but this is the nature of the beast. Our research is on insect olfaction. We are looking at ORs, ORCOs and SNMPs all of whom, we reason, are involved in insect olfaction. We are not interested in the genetic similarities as this has no bearing on our research. Currently, we are interested in the physical properties of each of the three proteins. You are welcome to email me, but I do not think I have much to offer someone with a background in immunology and antibodies. Kindest regards, Tom