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Questions related to Metals
How best a judgement can be made based on modelling PM10 and PM2.5
16 October 2023 6,430 0 View
If we plot long term data of air pollutants and temperature, it shows opposite pattern. Few papers shows that high temperature triggers formation of secondary aerosol and pollution rises. On the...
17 May 2021 6,444 6 View
I am trying to find the right approach for sensing soil nitrate in real-time. Current techniques are good for water. However, they are not suitable for real-time sensing of nitrate in soil as...
09 May 2021 6,727 2 View
1. What is the difference between hydrostatic and quasi-hydrostatic pressure? 2. Are all SPD techniques providing this pressure? As Zhilayev et al. mentioned, Multi-directional forging (MDF) not...
25 December 2020 2,214 7 View
Dear Researchers; I have reviewed the mechanisms which cause fatigue failure, including the Wood and the Newman mechanisms, but they are both based on the movement of dislocations and slip-planes....
01 August 2020 422 26 View
Hi all, sorry for double-posting, but the "discussion topic" doesn't seem to get enough attention. We have recently started to work with Al single crystals for surface science experiments....
31 July 2020 2,762 3 View
Dear Fellow Researchers, I need your guidance to clarify questions a Reviewer has on estimating Ci in our binary mixture toxicity study. Our Derivation of Ci: 1) For binary mixture, we ran...
26 February 2020 1,826 3 View
I have to do few toxicity tests in which silver is involved. To do that i have to prepare a stock solution using silver nitrate (AgNO3) salt. The concentration of exposure in the tests is referred...
19 January 2020 8,358 2 View
What are the causes and mechanisms of plastic deformation of ceramics, polymers, composites acros macro, micro and nano scales? how theses mechanisms can be compared with metal? please provide...
04 November 2019 3,872 3 View
Octo-Alloy, also called Ashtadhatu, is a traditional alloy to produce religious idols, ornaments and sculptures in indian subcontinent. My question regarding the alloy is According to wikipedia,(...
30 October 2019 4,769 4 View
I express a recombinant protein in E. coli that requires Mg2+ and ATP to remove bound chaperones and activate the enzyme, but also requires TCEP. I currently achieve active protein, but with very...
01 October 2019 9,052 3 View
Hi, I am using Asymptotic solver which uses Shooting and bouncing Rays Technique. Can anyone please tell the meaning of observation Rays at particular angle and what does it means when same...
19 September 2019 2,396 2 View
Most of the studies carried out in healthy population have used spirometry to show short term effects of PM 2,5 on lung function. Some others use exhaled NO or oscillometry. Which one is the most...
27 May 2019 4,144 2 View
My question is related to density measurement by Archimedes principle. 1. Does the amount of liquid in which the density of metal piece is being measured also matters? 2. Does the size of...
03 April 2019 6,639 14 View
I want to generate random structure consisting of 210 unit cells( of dimension(mm) 0.5X0.5X0.035) placed randomly in the square unit cell of dimension(mm) 14.45X14.45X0.035 in CST. I wanted to...
20 March 2019 5,091 1 View
i want to know which elements (specially metals) have enrichment in brines and/or oilfield brines and what origin of them.
12 February 2019 7,804 2 View
Im trying to find out if it would be possible to create a stencil from a metal plate by removing a thin strip of material all the way through. The groove would need dimensions of : 100nm wide and...
08 February 2019 10,074 3 View
I'm intersted by the eliashberg spectral function which represent an important information about the contribution of the frequencies of phonons on the creation of the electron-phonon coupling...
30 January 2019 9,764 11 View
Dear colleagues, Would any of you guide me to literature papers or websites which compiled the temperature dependent (T>1000K) oxidation rates of various materials (metals, ceramiques,...
24 January 2019 1,935 9 View
When I do the evaluation in postprocessing I get the error- Template based post-processing result "Gain (IEEE),3D,Max. Value (Solid Angle)": Error in calling "Evaluate1D" function (No calculated...
19 December 2018 2,255 6 View
Hello Everyone, I am working on the SAR data analysis for the geological domain. I had used SAR for the geological features extraction. But now I am going to use SAR data for mineral mapping....
22 November 2018 7,526 3 View
As you know, for High SFE materials, cDRX is the possible mechanism for convert Low angle grain boundaries (LAGB) to High angle grain boundaries (HAGB) during strengthening. But generally cDRX...
21 November 2018 3,325 12 View
Is it possible to obtaining a modelization of metals, pesticides and other pollutants in surface water along time and space in a watershed? Many softwares, predicts flows, O2, carbon, nitrogen,...
17 November 2018 742 4 View
differences between macro-structure and micro-structure in commercial pure aluminum
04 November 2018 4,898 13 View