Some journals have started to provide certificate of article published in their journal. Do you think do you need such a certificate after you publish your article?
Yes, Publication is it self a certificate, but some predatory Journal are doing this activities. We authors who submit our valuable articles to such a journal for expecting certificate, shows where is our thinking.
My suggestions: try to publish in a good impact journal, that will be best reward as well as certificate. Please do not go behind the rumor of certificate.
What is the benefit of the certificate, that once you publish in a magazine and accept your search and get the authenticity is in itself a testament to the strength of your search and the greatness of your achievement and your work
Really I don't need. If my article was published, then there is no need for a certificate. Even if you look from a utilitarian point of view, then anyone can read the article, who needs this certificate? And I will not send anybody, just put on the wall?
I am confident in the greatness of my research and achievement, so I do not need a certificate from a particular point or magazine, confidence and belief in personal abilities is the biggest certificate
بالطبع لا، يكفي نشر المقال، ومن ثم اثبات نشره من خلال تقديم مستلة منه أو تقديم نسخة عن العدد الذي نشر به المقال للجهة التي نود اتجاهها مسألة النشر، سواء تعلق الأمر بمناقشة أو ملف تأهيل أو أي ترقية علمية..
Certificate for research publication is not important but letter of information is better. It is just to inform you that your paper has been published.
The certificate issue is interesting. It reminds me of a certificate for participating in a race of some sort. Probably a Marathon. Awarding certificate for publishing a scientific paper was probably designed to remind us that we are joining a race.
I have just got my first paper accepted to a reputed IEEE (say X for generality) conference. Now, one of the authors have registered for the conference as a student member of X. I have applied for student membership, but probably won't receive the member card before registration deadline. In that case, I have been informed that only the author attending the conference would be getting the certificate. So I have the following question:
1) Do I need the certificate to proof that I have this publication in future ? (My dept has procedure of submitting copies of all certificates that you earn during the semester, and my co-author would definitely be submitting his there.)
2) Is it worth to register without availing student discount so that I may get the certificate ?
For a paper to be published when forwarded for a scientific journal, they give an acceptance letter. Then, after publishing, the paper itself in the journal is an enough certificate for publishing.
To add more detail, it is rather a formality. When the paper is published let the others determine the scientific contribution. Someone will read it some time and benefit. that is always the best certificate.
When a journal accept an article to publish they provide a letter of acceptance. And again, when the article is published it is the biggest certificate of anyone contribution.
After a paper has been published, the title of the journal and the paper, authors' names and affiliations, volume, issue, and page numbers, are all that is required.
It sound nice, but not important as the title of the journal and the paper, authors' names and affiliations, volume, issue, and page numbers, are all that is required. Totally agree with Michael John McAleer
I believe article's DOI will make it easy for anyone to access the journal article. However, I understand that some institutions might find it easier to ask their faculty to provide a certificate, perhaps for AACSB accreditation record keeping or likewise. I agree with professor Michael John McAleer and those who do NOT find the extra bureaucracy necessary.