Hello reseachers,
I often stumble across discussions concering which macrophage type should be used for experiments, so I wrote down our experience over the last years for this topic.
THP-1-derived macrophages are easy to handle, they divide and they are much easier to transfect than primary human macrophages, but as the name implies it is a macrophage-like cell line derived from a cancer cell. The same goes for the macrophage-like cell line RAW.
A lot of people are argueing, if THP-1-derived and/or RAW macrophages are nearer to a tumor cell or a macrophage.
We use peritoneal macrophages as standard ex vivo model in nearly every experiment (besides BMDM and MEF sometimes) for a long time but I recommend to not use thioglycollate or any kind of elicited PMs.
I know everybody is using it to get more macrophages (because of limited mouse numbers) but my colleauge and I had to compare normal peritoneal macrophages and those attracted via thioglycollate injection during our PhD works. Thioglycollate-elicted macrophages respond in nearly every parameter we investigated (bacterial killing, ROS production, cytokine prodcution, phagocytosis capacity) much worse than normal peritoneal macrophages. They are more or less powered out. They used their whole pro-inflammatory potential on the thioglycllate and ate themselves (so to speak) to laziness.
They phagocytosed less bacteria, they prodcued nearly no ROS (Nox2-dervied phagosomal or cytosolic ROS from mitochondria) and they secreted nearly no cytokines after infection (all compared to PMs without thioglyllate). Moreover, the injection of thioglycollate is also a sterile inflammation, so other cells will be recruited from the blood stream (monocytes, neutrophils).
Again, I know everybody is using this technique, but this hardly represents an ex vivo peritoneal macrophage. Of course, in dependency of the research topic, not only PMs but different ex vivo macrophages should be picked for the experiments (e.g. Kupffer cells for liver, microglia for brain and so on).
For a comparison of ROS production and cytokine secretion between BMDM and naive (not elicited) peritoneal macrophages) please have a look at:
Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species enable proinflammatory signaling through disulfide linkage of NEMO, February 2019 Science Signaling 12(568):eaar5926.
The β2 Integrin Mac-1 Induces Protective LC3-Associated Phagocytosis of Listeria monocytogenes, March 2018 Cell Host & Microbe 23(3).
I am looking foward to comments and experiences from other labs on this topic.
All the best and, in times of Corona, stay healthy :)