15 Questions 68 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Iskander Madhi
I am in the process of making graphs for my scientific data and I want to know what is the best software available and most easy to use that you already are familiar with.
20 September 2023 8,215 5 View
I need to figure out a way how to modify the graphs. By modifiying the graphs I mean changing the frame or the style that makes the line of each graph, also, I want to change the filling of each...
14 August 2019 8,573 2 View
Hello everyone, I am really intrested on the mechanisms of virus entry and replication of HBV and HCV in different hepatoma cell lines. I heard about the new established hepatoma cell line,...
12 May 2016 4,246 1 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to detect HBx protein from Hepatitis B Virus through Western Blot. Knowing that the molecluar size of this protein is 17kD can anyone give me an indication about the...
27 April 2016 6,713 2 View
Hello everyone, I need to detect core protein (25kD) for HCV and HBx (17kD) from HBV by western blot. I already detected but the band are still not as clear as I want. I used a 12% SDS gel,...
18 April 2016 6,962 4 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to detect hbx and core protein with western blot, is it better to use a 10% or 12% Sds-polyacrylamide gel? Thank you in advance
05 April 2016 3,076 3 View
Hello everyone, I am starting a co-infection experiment with Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus in Huh 7.5 cells. I already consult many reviews and I found that three options are possible:...
04 April 2016 506 1 View
Hello everyone, can someone tell me the exact differences in the different parameters (florescent dye, number of standards, quantity of the template...) of the real-time PCR for the HBV and HCV...
31 March 2016 7,101 1 View
Can anyone shear with me the (RT-PCR or PCR) conditions for a good detection for the HCV virus. Thank you in advance.
18 March 2016 7,020 2 View
Can aynone, shear with me or give me any indication about the resultat (quantity of viral copies) that I should find in Hep G2 or Huh 7.5 cells infected with a 0.1 MOI of HBV, Taking that the...
18 March 2016 9,846 2 View
Hello everyone. Can someone please give me some indications about the experimental conditions required for a good viral co-infection (Hepatitis B and C virus) in Huh 7.5 cell?
08 March 2016 5,381 2 View
31 January 2016 5,178 0 View
These days coronavirus is everywhere, I mean not only in the contaminated countries all over the globe but also in the news,.. even here in research gate I feel like people are only discussing...
01 January 1970 3,761 3 View
Science History is a continously changing curve...some periods called the golden age of Science were characterized by several inventations and findings that has contributed in a major way to the...
01 January 1970 2,195 0 View
Is there any possible correlation between Autophagy and our sleeping habits? Is it a reciprocal relationship or just a unidirectional one?
01 January 1970 867 4 View