Why does the band intensity of 2 different products of similar size in agarose gel differ when the same concentration of DNA is used for PCR amplification? The condition used for PCR is also the same.
Yes as others have mentioned, binding specificity and efficiency is probably different for each of the primer sets. One is most likely stronger than the other and as Ana has said, it's very common in PCR. Nothing I would worry about.
What is the difference between these two DNA samples? Do the primers for this two different products have the same efficiency in PCR? If not, this would be one way to explain different end concentrations.
Yes as others have mentioned, binding specificity and efficiency is probably different for each of the primer sets. One is most likely stronger than the other and as Ana has said, it's very common in PCR. Nothing I would worry about.
A picture of the gel would be helpful, since it's possible that one of the primer pairs forms a larger amount of "primer dimer", which would appear as a low molecular weight band. A less likely possibility is that your sample is heterozygous for a deletion of the region where the "low intensity" product originates.