Case is a 4 year old kid, recently diagnosed with type I diabetes, seeking for new opportunities and novel treatments. Beside, parents banked his/her cord blood stem cells. I appreciate if you advise me how to guide them.
Try the Bristol Heart Institute (UK). I know there are several researchers there involved in the basic science/experimental medicine side of these things (Profs Paolo Madeddu and Costanza Emanueli), and clinical aspects (Raimondo Ascione and Gianni Angelini, professors and chairs of translational research and cardiac surgery, respectively). Whether they are directly involved in your exact field I'm not sure, but they are definitely worth a try. All are on researchgate.
i know tge group of tausif alam is working on gene therapy in type 1 diabetes and are trying theirlevel best to find an answer for these kids .HE IS ON THE GROUP OF RESSEARCH GATE AND HAVE DONE A LOT OF WORK ON THIS ,BOTH STEM CELLTHERAPIES AND GENE THERAPY RIGHT NOW ARE IN INFANCY STAGE STILL BEING CARRIED OUT IN SNIMALS BEFORE AN ATTEMPT CAN BE NMADE IN HUMANS,NOW WITH GENOME EDITING TECHNOLOGIES LIKE CRISPER/Cas9 things are becoming better to prevent the didease being passed to the kids