I am working on air dispersion modeling, please see attachment for illustration of model output which is two dimensional in the vertical plane (Z-X plane). The model can also work for horizontal resolution in the x and y planes.However, I can not find data to validate and verify the numerical code that I developed. Most publications focus on presenting the model output with very brief mention of the input data. Sometimes the data are presented in graphical format (2D) which is just for viewing purposes. Sometimes, not all the the model parameters data are presented and some important coefficients are missing. Therefore, I appreciate if any one provide me with such data in the most possible simplest form. I am looking for a simple data set not the very detailed data you see in many publications.

I need the following data: 1. stack height, exhaust concentration (Co2, So4, PM 10 or PM 2.5), discharge, temperature, load (kg/s) 2. Wind velocities (m/s) and direction ( two dimensional z and x) 3. Dispersion or diffusion coefficients ( Kz and Kx in m2/s) 4. Measured concentrations at specified (x,y) points for comparison with my numerical code.

5. pollution sources can be point, line, area, or volume loads.

6. any more data you think it is relevant.

7. the same type of data but for horizontal analysis (x and y) as for pollution concentration due to wild fires, agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollution sources.


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