we are having problems with sample preparation for SEM - we experience crystals (see picture) in various samples.
The preparation procedure is very much the same as it has been used by our colleagues for the last several years.
The artefacts appear mostly randomly - for example, they appeared last year in February, then some other time and also today.
We have seen it in human heart, spleen, ependyma samples - we think it might be related to some chemicals being dirty or something. We use standard preparation, fix with durcupan and post fix with osmium acid, alcohols, CPD, gold sputtering, etc.
Have You seen this kind of crystals in SEM?
Most of the sample is covered with such crystals, or only parts of the sample - mostly on slopes, or thin filaments or bottom parts are filled with the crystals - like some of the crystals got rinsed away during the preparation but some were not.
Any ideas?
I tried some EDS on the crystals but I cannot be sure the spectrum was from the crystals because of the signal from the tissue on which the crystal lies.
I have found some crystals that are at least partially "sticking out" of the sample - they are on the edge and thus the background is only an aluminium stub half a milimeter below the crystal, so it should not contribute to the spectrum, BUT: I cannot get an undistorted image in the EDS computer, so I cannot be sure from where I am collecting the spectrum from...
Thanks for any suggestions in advance :)