I have a contamination problem in the cell culture lab. The contaminant looks round, the size of yeast probably and visible under a light microscope (40X).  Does not change the pH of the medium nor makes the medium turbid nor affects the growth of the cells.

I tried to find out where the contamination is from and found out it comes from the FBS. We use Atlanta biologicals non-heat inactivated serum and this FBS has been used even before I started in the lab. I borrowed an aliquot of Gibco non-heat inactivated FBS from another lab here and I put some of it in a 6-well plate and noticed the same even without incubation.

When the media has antibiotics (PenStrep), these contaminants are under check, but when I take them out of the antibiotic, say after transfection, they start to multiply.

The contaminants are DAPI positive and when I put the contaminated cells in LB with and without antibiotics, there was no growth even after a week.

I did all the usual cleaning/autoclaving/changing the filters and other stuff in the cell culture room, which is usually done after a contamination. Nothing helped. I have no idea what these are or how to control them.  

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