Hi everyone,

I am attempting to optimize an assay using flow cytometry to measure cellular dependent cytotoxicity. I notice after my target cells are co-cultured with the effector cells, the population of target cells starts to shift towards have a lower fsc and ssc.

I stain my target cells with a dye similar to CFSE before the assay and measure cell death via 647 Annexin V.My problem is in selecting the the appropriate population of target cells to look at.

I have attached a couple pictures highlighting this problem and my questionsA

Question 1: what are these events with low FSC/SSC? Can they be whole cells? Should I exclude them?

Question 2: what are these “target’ cells with low ssc? Should I exclude them? Why do they have such a low SSC?

Any and all advice and feedback is appreciated

Thank you for taking the time to read my question


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