How would you expect cells to grow without any nutrients! 100X HEPES buffer is not a nutrient-rich buffer. A typical cell culture medium is composed of nutrients that help mammalian cells to survive in invitro condition. These nutrients include amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, glucose, and serum as a source of growth factors, hormones, and attachment factors. In addition to nutrients, the culture medium also helps maintain pH and osmolality which is important for the maintenance of cells in culture.
The base medium for U937 cells is RPMI-1640. To complete the growth medium, fetal bovine serum should be added to the base medium to a final concentration of 10 %, penicillin and streptomycin solution should be added to a final concentration of 1 % to avoid any bacterial contamination.
If you wish that your cells should survive and grow in culture, looking happy and content, then you will have to use culture medium (RPMI-1640 Medium + 10% FBS).