Hi Arushdeep! it is difficult to identify a species only based on these images. The only thing you can I can see there is arthrospores or arthroconidia. If this is a soil isolate I would start checking the genus Geotrichum taking on account your description of the colony. But it's only a wild guess.
Consider fission yeasts e.g. Saccharomyces pombe. Geotrichum athrospores might be less regular, and colonies have a hyphal/mycelial element - esp at margins.
It is difficult to guess from this point unless you show the symptoms on plants or the crop you isolated it from but I guess it is if I'm not wrong it is Ascochyta
I would either go with the Geotrichum or the Saccharomyces diagnosis.
Ascochyta spp. conidia are medianly 1-septate and borne in a pycnidium fruit body. They most likely would also not be as uniform as the structures shown here. Of course, it would have been of great help to give at least an approximate size in micron of the fungal spores.