The phenomenon of consciousness is difficult to understand as illustrated by the number of questions about it in RG: more than 10000 (264 in the topic "consciousness")!
However it seems clear that consciousness is deeply linked to emotions (Damasio and Carvalho 2013). Damasio’s view is that ‘‘emotion was probably set in evolution before the dawn of consciousness, and also his view, as stated in his book, that ‘one may wonder about the relevance of discussing the biological role of emotions in a text devoted to the matter of consciousness” (Denton et al. 2009).
Can we go further and state that it is not possible to separate consciousness from emotion (Denton et al. 2009; Mashour and Alkire 2013)?
Damasio A and Carvalho GB. The nature of feelings: evolutionary and neurobiological origins. Nature Rev Neurosci 2013;14:143-150.
Denton DA et al. The role of primordial emotions in the evolutionary origin of consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition 2009;18:500–514.
Mashour GA and Alkire MT. Evolution of consciousness: Phylogeny, ontogeny,and emergence from general anesthesia. PNAS 2013;110:10357–10364.