For evolution to act on the conscious process it must be expressed as a behavioral output (Dawkins 1976). So, thinking about an idea without writing it down or saying it will not do. So far, an algorithm to read the stored content of your neurons is yet to be developed. Once developed, however, do not expect the stored content to be in order and independent of the outside world (Clark 1998; Tehovnik and Chen 2015; Varela et al. 1991). A usable algorithm would need to read the messages transmitted between the hippocampus and neocortex for both memory consolidation and retrieval, which would put the contents in the correct order by noting the memory replay order (Louie and Wilson 2001; Wilson and McNaughton 1994). The items in correct order would then need to be merged with the details of the outside world (including the body) at the time of learning (e.g., Parker, Niell et al. 2022; Meyer, O’Keefe, and Poort 2020; Xu, Niell et al. 2023). We suspect that this is not what Miguel Nicolelis had in mind when thinking about how to upload the mind to the cloud (Nicolelis 2011).

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