I want to transfect the hippocampal neuron by lentivirus (with GFP), so I produced the lentivirus myself and the virus was resuspend in DPBS(maybe mix some FBS from the media) after concentration.
After dissected the neuron from P1 mouse, I plat about 300,000 neuron in 24 well (the slide was covered by polylysine) with 500uL media (neuron basal+ L-Glu+ B27+ Anti-anti), at the same, I add 2.5uL lentivirus into the media.
I half change the media every two days. In 2 DIV, the neuron was health. However, in 3 DIV, all the neuron was died, even though I can cell mass with GFP.
The neuron without transfect virus were health.
Does anyone ever met this problem?
What is the cause of this problem?
How to solve this problem?
Any suggestion will be appreciated!