I am trying to do flow cytometric analysis of exosomes for my thesis work. The flow cytometry device I use can only distinguish 3 colors. I think of using each color for a different purpose. I will use FITC to verify exosome existence, PE-Cy7 to determine the exosome origin, and PE to determine the role of the exosome. I will use TSG101 conjugated with FITC to confirm the presence of exosomes. In addition to TSG101, I would like to add FITC-conjugated syntenin-1 antibody into the same antibody cocktail to show more exosomes. My goal is just to verify exosome existence, see FITC radiation. My goal is not to specifically show the presence of TSG101 or syntenin-1. So I think it wouldn't be okay to use two separate antibodies labeled with the same fluorophore. But I wanted to ask a specialist. Do you think that using two different antibodies labeled with the same fluorophore at the same time would create a problem? What kind of trouble does it create?

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