Lambeck et al., (2007) detected that the median concentration of serum IL-7 in healthy patients is 2.9pg/ml. They have also detected that the median concentration of serum IL-7 in ovarian cancer patients is 5.3 pg/ml.
While Xie et al., (2004) have estimated that the median serum level of IL-7 in ovarian cancer patients is 32.49 pg/ml, and the median peritoneal level of IL-7 (mainly by tumor cells) in ovarian cancer patients is 17.39 pg/ml.
I need both the shedding rate and shedding fraction for IL-7, can I get them from its level (conc.) in the serum or the peritoneal fluid?
Trinder et al., (1999) have estimated that the production rate for IL-7 in renal cancer cell lines is ranging from 3.9 to 15.1 pg/ml/10^(6) cells/day. Can I benefit from this information in estimating the production rate for IL-7 in ovarian cancer?
Thanks in advance.