What's wrong with nuclear markers DAPI or Hoechst? Any good antibody towards transcription factor active in epithelial cells will probably do the job...
Mari Mari Palgi : thank u so much for answering my question.i am interested in transdifferentiation . i am GTRACing some cells. if i gtrace some cell types, i cannot use GFP and RFP anymore as they are included in gtrace. i am interested in seeing whether they are transdifferentiated into epithelial cells.so, if i use some primary antibody localised only to nucleus then i can use secondary antibody having RFP or GFP.
Could you possibly use antibodies against epithelial markers that are not nuclear-localized for GTRACE? I ask because most of the reliable epithelial specific antibodies that I have used, e.g. those against the septate junction protein Coracle, tend to be membrane specific.
A possible alternative would be using FISH to hybridize transcripts for epithelial markers. It wouldn't be quite as easy or as sensitive for GTRACE-ing, but might get the job done.