8 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jayesh kumar Sundaram
I am currently working with scRNA-seq data. I have to rank or score genes based on how spatially expressed they are. Is there any good measure or tool to do that?
24 August 2020 3,963 3 View
I have sequencing reads from non-strand specific RNA-seq experiment. When I look at read alignments for individual genes, the reads predominantly map to either positive or negative strand. Why is...
30 April 2020 8,842 0 View
What's wrong with the following fastq file? Why don't I see any nucleotides? @SRR867022.1 s0205_20091123_4_Boot2_1_2_22_F3...
17 February 2020 7,938 5 View
I have gene expression data from different conditions from different studies. Instead of using the actual TPM values for Pearson Correlation coefficient (PCC) calculation, I have decided to use...
19 December 2019 6,388 1 View
I am getting interaction data from Arabidopsis interaction viewer database, maintained by toronto. I am trying to separate out protein-protein interaction and protein-DNA interaction. The data...
04 November 2017 6,310 1 View
I want to get the promoter sequence of some genes. Should I get it from upstream of the gene or mRNA? How is gene defined in RSAT plants?
24 August 2017 5,973 4 View
In the file all the column has gene expression data. I couldn't understand what those values are.
04 December 2016 7,324 3 View
i strictly want a nuclear localised antibody. thank you.
02 November 2015 1,717 10 View