Hello, I'm working on primers from the publication:

Okodo M, Okayama K, Teruya K, Sasagawa T. Uniplex E6/E7 PCR method detecting E6 or E7 genes in 39 human papillomavirus types. J Med Virol. 2018;1–8. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.25017

HPV16 gene: E6, Size of the product: 274

Primer F: gacgtgaggtatatgactttgcttt

Primer R: ccccttatattatggaatctttsct

I used to work with annealing temp. 60 degrees, but there was no product. I optimized my PCR process. Positive control CaSki was checked with a gradient to get the best concentration of the product. In the end the annealing temp. was 48 degrees, which makes sense as Tm for primers is ~50 and 52 degrees. Indeed I started to get products, but the concentration was subliminal (capillary electrophoresis). We sequenced the samples (which should have 274 bp but on QIAxcel have always ~300 bp) and they turned out to be complementary to the human genome, 20th chromosome. We took Namalwa cell line DNA isolate as negative control and in 60 degrees was negative but in 48 degrees turned out to be positive with a product ~300 bp. We checked starters and they shouldn't create such products from the human genome.

Can anyone have any explanation? Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help :D

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