Please may I ask if non-salaried Public Contributors conduct data collection interviews or Focus Groups with NHS patients as part of your study?
This means that the Public Contributor will either conduct the interview or Focus Group themselves or work alongside an academic researcher to cofacilitate the interview or Focus Group. The interview or Focus Group could be in-person or online. The Public Contributor may be offered reimbursement of expenses and recognition payments in line with NIHR guidance but they will not be employees or subcontractors.
In the UK, NIHR promote the coproduction of health research with citizens who have lived through the experiences under scrutiny. While this principle of engaging Public Contributors is laudable, the execution is mired in complexity. I am trying to find examples of studies that have addressed the issues relating to patient access and safety when the Public Contributor is not employed as a member of the academic team.
If you intend to obtain a research passport, letter of access, honorary research contract or another form of approval from your sponsor to enable non-salaried Public Contributors to conduct data collection interviews with NHS patients for research purposes, I would be pleased to hear about your approach. Similarly, if you have done this in the past, or know of colleagues who have done this, I would be delighted to hear what you have done.