Hi all,
I've been trying to get my Thermal Shift Assay to work on a Biorad CFX96. It looks to be a very simple assay but I can't get it to work even if my life depended on it.
This is what I've tried:
1. BSA at 0.2mg/mL (final) with 5X SYPRO (final) with 125mM HEPES at pH7.0 + 100mM NaCl running FRET, FAM/SYBR, ROX etc.
Results: no curve/peak. FRET gave a weird peak which started immediately at 25C and kept going up. (See attached BSA Melt curve)
2. Ordered fresh SYPRO and redid #1 with a 30min RT incubation prior to running.
Results: no curve/peak
3. Ran the assay again with different [NaCl] (100mM, 250mM and 500mM) and [SYPRO] (1X, 2X, 5X, 10X, 20X, 50X) at all channels/filters.
Results: no curve/peak
4. Because I've been told that FRET should be the one that's being used for Thermal Shift Assay (although FRET is a completely different type of assay), I decided to redo #3 using just FRET.
Results: no curve/peak but very high initial reading and then it just goes down from there. BSA didn't even give the same weird peak as #1's results. So I was baffled.
5. Made fresh BSA stock and added lysozyme into this run. Did various [protein] (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 mg/mL final) using same buffer and SYPRO concentration as #1 and with the FRET channel.
Results: High initial for BSA but decreases after that with no visible peak/curve. Lysozyme is just like water, flatline at the bottom. (see attached FRET Melt curve)
I really don't know where I screwed up. I've troubleshooted so many things and it's giving me the same thing. The weird part is that I can't replicate #1's results!! Help!!