Having had success depositing hexane plasma polymer films for micro- and nanofabrication applications, and also carboxyl functional groups for biomedical engineering, we are now trying to create amine functionalised surfaces by plasma polymerisation of allylamine or heptylamine.
There is a considerable amount of literature covering the deposition of functional polymer films like this, however we are having trouble with autopolymerisation of the monomer inside the chamber, creating a black sludge type substance that clogs the needle valves and speedivalves, whilst also attacking the Viton o-rings and membranes.
XPS analysis of the depositions and chemical coupling experiments show that we are creating a functional surface, however the full chamber has to be stripped down and cleaned after only a few depositions.
Can anyone offer some advice on working with these monomers in a plasma polymerisation setup?
Our chamber is homemade, using two copper band electrodes to excite the plasma, operating at 0.1mBar polymerisation pressure, 25W excitation power at 13MHz.