Is this a performance issue based question or tool recommendation?
If you are looking to get mRNA targets then you can simply predict based on cis function prediction. You can look for the closest coding genes to lncRNAs in 10kb of upstream and downstream using bedtools and then follow it up with a DAVID enrichment analysis.
However if you would like to use a tool, I think there are no other options but to query the databases,
If you have a small list of lncRNAs, you can use these databases
Hello, Tomasz! About the tool found in, you should consider the following:
minenergy: The minimum interaction energy among the interactions contained in each pair of RNA sequences, computed by intarna. This score is adequate for short RNA sequences or for cases in which the strongest local interaction is dominant.
sumenergy: The sum of the local interaction energies that are lower than x kcal/mol. This score is adequate for long RNA sequences such as lncRNAs and mRNAs and for cases in which several strong interactions exist.
The publication about this tool you can find in Article Comprehensive prediction of lncRNA–RNA interactions in human...