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Questions related to Statistics
I'm looking at Helios CyTOF data of virally-infected mouse brains at day 7 post-infection. I've got this large population of CD45-, CD11b+ cells. I'm pretty confident that they're negative for...
05 January 2022 4,717 0 View
I have been working on GAA Nanowire TFET.I am using auger,srh,conmob,bgn and along with that i have tried bbt.kane by giving a,b values.I have tried autobbt ,bbt.kl,bbt.std. In order to improve...
03 January 2022 6,917 4 View
I want to calculate the standard deviation for the mean reduction in a paired sample T test. I only have the mean measurements as well as the standard deviation for pre and post measurements, so...
23 December 2021 4,532 5 View
Dear Community, I am facing a rather odd problem. I am running an OLS multivariate regression, my independent variables change signs compared to signs of univariat regression, although VIF is...
07 December 2021 845 3 View
Dear Community, I was wondering whether it is possible or not to validate hypothesis testing based on OLS regression with 2 indep variables only? Or will such thing decrease the credibility of...
07 December 2021 2,089 7 View
Hi there! If I want to examine whether the variance of a sample changes significantly through a treatment, how would I do that? In this case I would not be interested in the change/difference...
05 December 2021 6,054 6 View
I have a set of data from wounds that are going through normal wound healing and those that have been treated to intentionally delay wound healing (n=3) in pigs. For normal/acute wounds, tissues...
30 November 2021 6,702 7 View
I'm not sure whether it is acceptable to use the growth rate of variables in a regression analysis. For example, my dependent variable is GDP growth (%) and my independent variables are household...
30 November 2021 8,116 4 View
Hello, I have abundance data for bird surveys at various sites - for simplicity, let's say I did 10 surveys at each of 10 sites. When I use EstimateR() function in R, it gives me a Chao1 value...
18 November 2021 1,657 3 View
Hi, we are planning to equip our social science research lab with devices that would enable us to use social sensing, i.e. to analyze nonverbal and paraverbal behavior of our research participants...
17 November 2021 8,719 1 View
The aim of my research is to analyse the correlation between two delta values (change between two timepoints) via regression analysis. Let the variables be X, Y, and Z, and t0 represent...
16 November 2021 2,541 10 View
dear all I work on CBA/J (F) x DBA/2J (M) mice as abortion models. Since I received them, I have added walnuts, multivitamins, carrots, and apples to their diet in a limited way and maintained...
16 November 2021 4,142 3 View
I am interested in statistically analyzing a non-normal distributed histogram of the performance of 141 test cases in the 0-200 range, with most of them concentrated in the 50-100 range and the...
11 November 2021 3,705 27 View
These are a few polychaete samples taken from Belize. The grid size is in mm. Any help identifying the order or even family?! Thank you!
11 November 2021 7,220 3 View
I have been focusing on the electrochemical oxidation reaction of Biomass like 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. I find that many researchers in this field use the alkaline solution as an electrolyte. I...
10 November 2021 4,055 0 View
I have the following graph chosen mostly based on ColorBrewer. However, when output to 0% saturation or printed out, the colours look quite similar. Is there a good web tool for testing out colour...
04 November 2021 9,704 3 View
As asked.
26 October 2021 3,915 2 View
Please anyone tell me about the concentration of the antibiotic for making the antibiotic discs.
23 October 2021 7,621 3 View
In order to validate a 3D model which calculates steady condensation rates in a tube, Iam looking for measurement data of simple cases where the condensation rate or the outlet humidty has been...
19 October 2021 3,959 4 View
After a power cut, the vacuum value displayed by our Alpha Ensemble Ortec alpha spectrometer is incorrect. It always displays the maximum pressure value (19990 mTorr) on the maestro software for...
18 October 2021 4,444 3 View
I'm reading the book of Chandrasekhar "Radiative Transfer" and I have some doubts about some definitions when the Rayleigh scattering is assumed. In particular, when we consider a plane-parallel...
13 October 2021 7,452 1 View
Can you kindly suggest the best statistical test to compare the yield of a protein from a bacterial culture carried out in different pH? Is one-way ANOVA a suitable method?
05 October 2021 2,645 4 View
I have two independent groups of animals (n=4 in each group) observed under two different conditions (A and B) at the same time of the day and equal time interval (12 hours). For each group,...
02 October 2021 7,395 20 View
I have done shotgun proteomics experiment with a defined number of samples. Now, I have to validate the shortlisted proteins. I had a query that whether the validation to be initially conducted...
02 October 2021 7,345 2 View