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Questions related to Statistics
Upon reading following paper:, I saw that the power analysis is based on a two-sample t-test, while the primary endpoint is based on ANCOVA analysis...
29 September 2021 8,638 6 View
I am working on v-ADCP data of marine currents in a port. I have data along transects and I want to create a 2d map with interpolation of data which shows direction and intensity of currents. I...
29 September 2021 9,290 2 View
Hello, I replicated a study in which participants are asked to rate the importance of some user experience dimensions (like efficiency, usefulness, perspicuity, etc.) for a product (0-7...
27 September 2021 9,563 5 View
Hi everyone, I am a medical student and relatively new into statistics, I hope you can help me out with this question. I'm using logistic regression to test whether there is an association...
27 September 2021 8,677 2 View
This is more of a series of related questions... 1. Generally speaking, what are the recommended methods/tools for power analysis when planning on using these models for repeated-measures type...
24 September 2021 4,593 5 View
Suppose Intervention A and Intervention B are randomly allocated to 50 participants each (n = 100) to compare their efficacy in preventing a condition after a certain time period. Efficacy is...
23 September 2021 1,278 8 View
I want to analyze 1IV, 1DV and 4 mediator. I struggle to find references about it. Thank you so much, Ida
17 September 2021 1,511 3 View
I'm measuring the responses of forest spring plant communities to drought in central Europe. I have both hydrological (discharge, pH, Temp, Conductivity and anions, cations, DOC, etc...) and...
15 September 2021 830 4 View
Just getting a gauge from various sides of the community regarding which statistical analysis method is underrated. Thank you.
14 September 2021 9,826 5 View
Hello there, I got a response surface regression. In its ANOVA, the model p-value shows as 0.005 but the p-value of lack-of-fit shows as 0.038. Just curious how to determine whether the model is...
14 September 2021 5,633 3 View
Hello everyone, I am relatively new to statistics and would need some guidance. So I did a linear regression of some ratings and out of curiosity I wanted to compare the results of my model of...
12 September 2021 5,307 27 View
My friend and I have arguments about some statistical assumptions. He thinks that if he has 4 constructs, and every construct has 3 variables, for example. To test a mediation analysis, he can...
08 September 2021 479 9 View
I’m performing a binary logistic regression and my linearity of logit assumption for one of my independent variables (total scores) is not being met. My only option that doesn’t require very...
04 September 2021 4,485 16 View
Dear all, I have an experimental data set in which two variables coming from normally distributed populations are correlated. The correlation, from theoretical models, follows a power law, i.e....
03 September 2021 4,487 5 View
I find this error after executing brm() in RStudio "Error in compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose) : sh: C:/rtools40/usr/mingw_64/bin/g++: No such file or directorymake:...
30 August 2021 4,567 7 View
I'll explain briefly the experimental set-up. - One gruop of subject measured in two conditions: A: with treatment (Instrumented gait analysis with foot orthosis) B: without treatment (Barefoot...
24 August 2021 9,389 8 View
I am using the Friedman test and the Dunn test to compare the results of a few algorithms, yet, despite having the Friedman test showing me a significant difference (pvalue=4.579491803168107e-08),...
23 August 2021 1,312 3 View
Do you simply take the positive value? Or is the 0 point an arbitrary position and you need to add the positive value and absolute of the negative value? (Ex. The minimum detectable value is -2 nm...
10 August 2021 4,292 3 View
I have two datasets of equal size and characteristics, I'm looking for metrics to compare these data. I'm using the Python language associated with Pandas and Sklearn.
09 August 2021 571 3 View
As asked.
03 August 2021 4,140 2 View
I have a sample with 138 participants. Only 6 of them reported living alone (%4.3) while the remaining 132 share the household with others (family/partner/housemate etc.) I am trying to decide...
24 July 2021 3,858 6 View
My model has 7 covariates. Therefore, a hazard ratio for one covariate is adjusted for other covariates in the model. The mean and median values given with Kaplan Meier (KM) curves are for...
17 July 2021 6,056 5 View
I have two dataframes coming from two populations that I want to compare. Rows are the features I want to compare and columns are individuals. The values are the copy numbers (only positive...
08 July 2021 7,139 17 View
I want to generate observations 9,36 and 80 as outliers from a dataset of 100 samples. How can i write its program ( code it) in R?
08 July 2021 4,913 3 View