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Questions related to Scopus
Many Open Access journals put the policy of waiving Article Processing Charges for authors from low income countries (LIC). But, in some cases, two things often happen. (1) The review of...
01 September 2020 1,918 14 View
Paper ( research article) data uploads in the Scopus database after published so Is it logical to record a paper and reject another one which publishes in the same issue?
01 September 2020 2,969 7 View
Dear Researchers, Our journal (ISSN no. 2070-4658) was part of the Scopus index till 2017. Now, it is not in the Scopus index as the last two years no issue has been published. However, the...
25 August 2020 7,420 3 View
I am currently working in an Institute of Technology (Ireland) which does not have a medical school and so our library does not subscribe to some of the major medical databases e.g. CINAHL,...
07 August 2020 9,443 6 View
The answer of this question is important for young researchers. Because there are many journal in Scopus data base, which publish unlimited articles and are active in just one or two year. These...
27 July 2020 5,701 3 View
Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the 3ICT 2020 conference where you can publish your research finding without travelling. All papers registered and presented at 3ICT2020 conference will...
24 July 2020 4,260 2 View
Hi, I'm conducting a SLR on the existing SLR on additive manufacturing (AM) technology. I use search engines Scopus, WOS, Emerald and ScienceDrirect, to retrieve my literature, and i use Mendeley...
17 July 2020 8,400 1 View
Hii expert, I am a first-year PG student enrolled in Public Health (Community Medicine). I am looking for a list of Scopus/ISI indexed journals with no processing fee. In the area of medical...
15 July 2020 4,687 2 View
I want to know whether all the papers published in Scopus Indexed Journals will be in Scopus Database for sure, or scopus will evaluate all papers and take specific paper on their Database Please...
29 June 2020 8,706 4 View
Hello, I have been trying to write a shell code for a 1-way ANOVA analyzing gene expression levels over multiple days. The data we will be running will most likely be with biological replicates,...
25 June 2020 1,856 0 View
Regarding indexing of research publication
11 June 2020 9,144 25 View
I have two DEMS, one which includes the bulk of the country, and the other fills in the gaps. I basically want to use the one to fill in the gaps of where values = 0 in the other DEM. One question...
03 June 2020 7,201 8 View
I can not understand old tag and new tag. When I downloaded citation from web of science in the text form and save as ANSI code then also finding difficulties to run Bibexcel and generate report.
29 May 2020 711 1 View
Prior 1) evidence of at least a publication in a high-impact Journal indexed in Scopus or ABS or ABDC. This is to certify writing, grammatical and analytical skills.and/or 2) Strong statistical...
20 May 2020 5,778 1 View
For writing a review-based paper, if we search articles on Scopus, ScienceDirect and Web of science will that be enough?
04 May 2020 2,415 8 View
I am starting a literature review for a paper we are planning to publish. I have checked the different databases: Scopus Search, Google Scholar Search, Web of Science Search, and Microsoft...
30 April 2020 7,985 3 View
Dear all, I appreciate if you could help on this issue. In Ms. Word, I cited several papers at same place. Then, I had deleted some citations in the text, but when I refreshed the...
26 April 2020 3,597 0 View
Hello, I want to make a literature review depending on some keywords and year of publication. I decided to use Scopus database as a source of data, as it is the largest abstract and citation...
13 April 2020 2,788 36 View
I have a relatively simple dataset comparing continuous data between 4 groups. There is heteroscedasticity between groups and the data and ANOVA residuals are not normally distributed, so I...
09 April 2020 998 0 View
In one way ANOVA I got a value of F = 12, the df numerator = 2 df denominator = 6. As per F distribution table, the critical F value is 3.46. P-value by the software is 0.0080. Then how to...
04 April 2020 8,777 0 View
please guide me. what are operation condition of fermentation white sugar to ethanol. and amount of raw material. water? sugar? enzyme?
29 February 2020 9,584 4 View
Please share the effective way to add the missing articles to our profile in Scopus.
11 February 2020 4,953 2 View
Share the name of scopus indexed journal which takes lesser time but chances of acceptance is high in CSE?
06 August 2019 6,050 2 View
Review and publish fast ( with in one month maximum) ...?
05 August 2019 7,634 11 View