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Questions related to R
Dear all, I am trying to figure out how to assign the locations of violent events, which are recorded in ICEWS, to districts in Afghanistan based on latitude and longitude information. Therefore,...
01 November 2020 9,902 4 View
For my thesis work, I have to deal with Multivariate multiple regression, while in my studies I only have dealt with multivariate regression (one regressand and multiple regressors). Now I have...
31 October 2020 9,104 3 View
Hello all, I have a dataset that contains some pressure meters in a water distribution network and all valves of the network. Since I do not have the graph of the water distribution network, I...
31 October 2020 2,518 4 View
Hello everyone! I have conducted a multiple imputation in R with 5 imputations and 50 iterations using the function mice() from the corresponding mice package. Now that I have analysed and...
27 October 2020 7,258 3 View
I've been working on the network analysis of adolescent depressive symptoms. I've estimated the network, the centrality indices and network stability using packages qgraph and bootnet. Then I want...
23 October 2020 5,746 3 View
I'm trying to build up a model to use 'chemical data' to predict 'sensory evaluation data'. I've got multiple sensory data blocks (Matrix a1, a2, a3, ..., an) and one chemical data block (Matrix...
21 October 2020 5,090 2 View
Some of you might recognize my question and the background, but I struggle with this issue for more than a month now and there is only little progress... Here some background info: I have a...
10 October 2020 4,751 7 View
Clustered/random data are very common in data analysis. For example, if I want to model the occurrence (presence/absence) of a species over multiple countries I could suggest that the countries...
01 October 2020 678 2 View
I need to model a construction and demolition waste management network in order to maximize waste recycling. I read some works that use MILP. Among the software used are GAMS, JULIA, MATLAB and R....
28 September 2020 9,442 9 View
Dear community, I am rather new to phylogenetic comparative methods and seek your advice. I want to compare a continuous trait (dependent) between species belonging to either groupA and groupB...
23 September 2020 1,752 4 View
Hello everyone, I am currently dealing with psychometric evaluation of the croatian translation of a scale to assess chronic stress. The scale has nine dimensions and I am estimating PCM for...
23 September 2020 4,979 1 View
For example, I have a 2-level factor variable (diagnose) in interaction with a 6-level factor variable (layer). Intercept by default is the first level of all. In my case intercept is control...
19 September 2020 6,444 4 View
I have a dataset with relative abundances of Genomes against their COG-ids. It is a large data frame with 4214 rows (COG-ids) and 1313 columns...
14 September 2020 2,545 1 View
Hello I have tried to download the new version of the worldclim bioclimatic layers in the R console, since this way I can download spatial subsets. Does anyone have a code that works with the new...
11 September 2020 2,158 5 View
Well... the title covers the whole problem. I have very skewed proportional data (the hatching success of a iguana. NOTE that it is a proportion for every nest. e.g. for nest N1, 9 hatchlings...
11 September 2020 3,356 4 View
I need to identify my populations from my FASTA file in R so that R can then run all my stats. However, I do not know how to tell R how to group my data into 4 populations! This is the warning...
10 September 2020 9,032 2 View
hi is there any standard to select threshold value for precipitation in RClimdex while calculating indices? plz see attached figure. max ppt value is 118mm with an outlier of 385mm (data range...
09 September 2020 1,613 1 View
Hello RG Community, I need advice about testing moderation and mediation hypotheses with variables measured at different levels. We have data from 18 countries, and I was curious if I can test...
31 August 2020 8,258 3 View
Hello, I currently solve the optimization problem (please see the attached figure). Basically, this problem is equivalent to find the confidence interval for logistic regression. The objective...
18 August 2020 475 4 View
Hi there! A short summary of my data: I have song recordings of 60 birds (multiple recordings per bird). During the research period, some birds had more than one nest. Now I want to find out...
18 August 2020 1,451 3 View
I'm using MSGARCH package in R. By return_data/Volatility(fit.model), I get the residuals. When I calculate the standard deviation of the residuals, it turns out that it's close to 1 for all...
15 August 2020 3,306 6 View
Hi there; I need to produce such an equation for a time series using arima model: y(t) = y(t-1) + a*x(t) + b*x(t-1) I know if I use for example arima (1,0,0) with x as the exogenous...
08 August 2020 7,618 6 View
We're working on meta-analysis of studies that provide median OS data. We conducted other meta-analyses using objective response rates (ORR) and used the inverse-variance method. But we're not...
28 July 2020 4,955 3 View
Hello, I am struggling to understand how I best use the na.action options in R's lme function for a hierarchical linear model. I have a longitudinal data set with a two-level nested structure...
24 July 2020 2,724 4 View