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Questions related to R
i'm having problem in deciding how to run the regression. i want to see whether before and after covid, banks look at different characteristics when pricing loans. If for example in the period...
11 November 2021 7,689 11 View
I would like to build a statistically optimal design for a Discrete Choice Experiment, using the idefix package in R, as described in Traets et al., 2020 (Generating Optimal Designs for Discrete...
29 October 2021 703 6 View
Each site (3 sites) is having 30 numbers of quadrates. So please help me in data preparation in excel and scripts used in analyzing the nestedness and turnover in R. Thank you!
26 October 2021 9,157 6 View
Dear All, I hope you are doing well I wanted to use R to calculate the healthy eating index (2015) based on the NHANES 2018/2018. However, I was unable to locate a guide or r script that...
13 October 2021 9,938 14 View
I am looking for a published article or a reputable source such as Acts, explaining the types of crimes. I have come across several crimes under Major Crime Act. Is there anywhere I can refer (and...
04 October 2021 4,395 10 View
I am using the R package Introgress to study introgression of SNPs between the northern and southern extents of the lodgepole X jack pine hybrid zone in western Canada. When I use the...
21 September 2021 9,875 2 View
I am trying to analyze some fMRI data and neuRosim ( package in R, was recommended to me. However, I could not find a comprehensive...
13 September 2021 6,750 4 View
Is the cloglog output produced from Maxent a probability of occurrence or habitat suitability? I know this is a pretty fundamental question about Maxent. I have read all of the typically cited...
04 September 2021 1,447 3 View
How to create a mean model per genotype from μCT scans (dicom or tiff input format) coming from different animals so we can later compare the two different population mean models. Currently the...
01 September 2021 1,269 1 View
I'm performing a time series analysis with multiple breakpoints in R. I managed to identify three breakpoints using the procedure suggested in strucchange package but I'm struggling to get the...
17 August 2021 2,055 3 View
When solving Ordinary Differential Equations in time using, say R, is common to find ourselves in a part of the parameter space that does not allow for correct solutions. For simple models it is...
12 August 2021 6,433 7 View
I have several hundreds of pictures taken from sunbirds in Cameroon. The pictures are taken in lateral and apical view over a millimetric grid. I would like to measure the bill length of these...
04 August 2021 635 5 View
Help please, I use the function to change the font, as in this example: require ("gdtools") #> Loading required package: gdtools fontname
30 July 2021 1,085 3 View
I am able to find the authors of the negative binomial and zero-inflated Poisson models. However, I have searched as vigorous as I can but unfortunately, I could not find the paper that first...
22 July 2021 2,883 2 View
For network meta-analysis, in order to calculate anticipated absolute differences, I have seen papers generating anticipated absolute differences for treatment for x number of years. However the...
16 July 2021 1,958 3 View
I was pleased to learn that jamovi now has an editor that allows one to use code. But to be truly useful, IMO, it would have to allow one to generate...
14 July 2021 6,599 6 View
Hi folks, Imagine I have a dataset of bacterial abundance at specific degrees of temperature. Each line is a different bacterial species and each column is the abundance at a specific...
07 July 2021 6,470 7 View
Is there a way to flip the skull? I need the skull to be faced in the opposite direction. I am using this code string (in r-studio): plotRefToTarget(PCAf$shapes$shapes.comp1$min, mshf). mshf is...
22 June 2021 3,262 4 View
Hello, everyone, thank you for clicking this post. So, I want to analyze the effect of Corporal Punishment Myth on Corporal Punishment behavior (measure by CTS-PC). However, I want to know if the...
17 June 2021 3,677 3 View
Currently, I'm trying to learn the zero-inflated count model. So, I read about the model in the "pscl" package of R. It said that: "The formula can be used to specify both components of the model:...
11 June 2021 1,803 3 View
I am unable to install dmetar package of R. Any suggestions how can I download it.
09 June 2021 7,765 7 View
I'm using a cox proportional hazards regression to analyze latency data, i.e. time until behavior x occurs. The model I'm running is fitted with the "coxme" package in R (which is a wrapper to the...
08 June 2021 7,824 8 View
Hi, I'm analysing my survey data to test whether A affects B using the ordinal logistic regression model in R ("polr" function). In my case, both A (the explanatory variable) and B (the response...
31 May 2021 2,321 5 View
Dear all, We are preparing an explorative pupillometry analysis of previously elicited eye tracking data (Tobii T1750). Since we have no experience with pupillometry, we would be very grateful for...
26 May 2021 3,233 4 View