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Questions related to Heat Transfer
I have water flowing at 4 GPM at 2.5 feet per second through 50ft of 0.375 in. outer diameter tubing with 0.014 in. wall thickness. The water flows through copper tubing into the 50ft coil...
02 November 2020 8,251 5 View
I am trying to simulate subcooled boiling flow through an annulus using Fluent. Is it possible to get the values of interfacial heat transfer coefficients from either FLUENT report or CFD post?...
01 November 2020 3,816 3 View
I am validating my CFD mini rectangular channel model. For that purpose, I need to know how to get the Nu number accurately. For Calculating Nusselt no. from fluent post-processing as follows:...
25 October 2020 3,963 5 View
Need to measure bead size, depth of penetration, weld area etc
16 October 2020 1,094 4 View
Dear All I am trying to simulate a problem that simplified as shown in the attached file. It has two different walls one inside the other and surrounded by air. I want to simulate the problem in...
15 October 2020 1,193 19 View
I am doing hypersonic flow analysis over a reentry capsule
03 October 2020 4,081 7 View
I want to find the analytical solution of a radial diffusion system (1D cylindrical coordinates). Here what is considered is pressure diffusion. The conditions are simple and similar to the...
30 September 2020 2,628 4 View
Hello, I am currently working on the design of a device that measures thermal conductivity of sediments and I am not sure if i estimated heat losses and heat flux in the correct way. The device is...
24 September 2020 8,284 6 View
What is the characteristic length of a vertical sinusoidal wall with natural convection to calculate Rayleigh number? (x represents characteristic length in the attached formula)
22 September 2020 8,950 5 View
Hello! Could you help me with the following calculations. I want to repeat the results (NUMERICAL SIMULATION ON LAMINAR FREE-CONVECTION). FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER OVER A VERTICAL PLATE...
22 September 2020 6,582 1 View
Is it possible to find in fluent? Any other method is there?
11 September 2020 5,630 3 View
I'm using ABAQUS/DFLUX/fortran to simulate a welding process, i can finish the simulation on a plate, perfectly controlling the flux route, but when i use the same welding method on a beam,...
11 September 2020 9,931 3 View
I have to calculate heat transfer co-efficient on shell side and plot its variation along the length of heat exchanger
08 September 2020 9,291 6 View
I am trying to simulate the nanofluid flow within an enclosure for different nanoparticles e.g. Ag, Cu, CuO, Al2O3 and TiO2 . In the case of Ag and Cu, the heat transfer rate are almost same. I...
05 September 2020 8,189 7 View
I am working on thermal analysis of a model consisting of 14 parts (including some heat generation components) in its assembly which is exposed to ambient conditions and solar radiation. So it...
28 August 2020 6,676 4 View
Trying to derive a transfer function for a cross flow tube and fin HX (liquid to air, tube is air side & hot side). Temperature control feedback loop, temp sensor for feedback and valve for...
24 August 2020 1,857 3 View
I am planning to compare introns of a specific gene in various species, in order to detect intron loss or gain. I believe multiple sequence alignment is the best way to do so. In addition, I do...
22 August 2020 9,617 1 View
Heated Nitrogen gas will be allowed to flow through stainless steel piping as part of my project.Hence, I need help to generate a formula in excel to calculate the length of piping required for...
18 August 2020 2,197 5 View
For coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in a multilayered semi-transparent panes, reflection and interaction among all layers become very complex with an increasing number of panes. How...
18 August 2020 5,475 3 View
I'm running DSC for a mixture of 2 polymers and I need help to interpret the heat flow curves
14 August 2020 3,188 4 View
I'm simulating an internal flow of water to cool a hot rod. It's a transient simulation problem. I'm curious to find out the heat transfer coefficient from the simulation? Are any methods or...
11 August 2020 4,036 3 View
Hello, I'm looking for a way to measure the temperature in a spraydryer. I'm not interested in the air temperature but the temperature of the dried particles. As the droplets evaporate water, the...
07 August 2020 4,473 2 View
3D printers can make duplicate things in very short time.
28 July 2020 4,991 19 View
I have been conducting a heat transfer experiment in a rectangular channel with modifications on the inner surfaces of the channel to enhance heat transfer. In order to validate my experiment, I...
19 July 2020 4,594 4 View