Fields representing the joint interplay of electric and magnetic forces. | Contact experts in Electromagnetic Fields to get answers
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Questions related to Electromagnetic Fields
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is the rate at which electromagnetic energy is absorbed by water, human tissue or any other material. After performing an electromagnetic simulation i got the below...
04 April 2015 1,838 9 View
I have designed a power divider in ADS and imported the same in CST microwave studio and checked the s-parameters both were not matching. Can anyone help ms on this? Thanks in advance
04 April 2015 6,395 4 View
using the electric motor of a ceiling fan and passing a wire carrying current through the middle of the motor. what effect will the the wire carrying current have on the flux generated by the...
04 April 2015 9,693 3 View
Hi, I am trying to simulate the heat generated by gold nanoparticles excited by light. I have found some researchers solve this problem by solving Maxwell's equation and the results are the...
04 April 2015 3,543 8 View
means why we need RMs? when we already have point sources? if anyone have detail about inter comparison please give it to me ??? please explain difference between energy calibration and...
03 April 2015 1,047 4 View
The “Electromagnetic Radiation Energy and Planck’ Constant” suggested the existence of this constant, what do you think about it?
27 March 2015 9,072 6 View
Quantum field theory tries to reduce the fields to particles (bosons) which interact with their sources (fermions) transferring energy and momentum, if we restrict to electrodynamics. In the case...
07 March 2015 6,807 80 View
For example, how can one experimentally detect (and prove) evanescent waves, when light propagates in a optical fiber by the phenomenon of total internal reflection (TIR)?
03 March 2015 2,752 5 View
The original integral form of the four equations of the electromagnetism was transformed in differential form by Maxwell using the Hamilton's Quaternions. The form we are using is the Heavyside's...
03 March 2015 7,891 17 View
Apparently, the electromagnetic field is assumed to be all around a photon. Possibly it is not correct. The field is localised within about $\lambda$ space around the position of a photon. I...
03 March 2015 5,678 20 View
01 March 2015 8,842 19 View
01 March 2015 6,678 4 View
When an X-band waveguide is considered, as frequency varies from 8.2-12.4GHz, radiation pattern becomes narrower in the horizontal plane whereas it gets wider and maximum gain direction varies...
19 February 2015 8,538 12 View
Graviton must have spin 2 according to GR, while photon has spin 1 according to quantum theory....why? And from where does that come from? Can we discuss? Schwarzschild radius is 2GM/c^2 according...
17 February 2015 3,458 77 View
In the dynamic Casimir effect to the electromagnetic field resulting effect is to create photons, 3 + 1D, it is expected that the same occurs for other dimensions, for example 2 + 1D?
02 February 2015 2,083 0 View
Good noon to all. I am a newer in VHDL I don't know how I can use ieee_proposed library files. I got some errors while compiling my project in modelsim altera se6.5e. In my project I have used...
30 January 2015 8,189 3 View
High energy microwave affect iliving beings mainly through termal effect. What is the mechanism of low dose microwave (300 MHz - 300 GHz electromagnetic field) effect on organism: membrane...
18 January 2015 9,733 8 View
As there is very less instability in forced circulation reactor rather than natural circulation system.
07 January 2015 9,968 7 View
Dear fellow researchers, In my experiment I would like to measure the influence of an electromagnetic field on the calcium flux, but want to minimize the other influences as much as...
06 January 2015 968 3 View
I wonder what physical meaning can a complex charge have? (I mean standard EM) the complex conductivity just reflects the dispersion in the system, but what about the charge? Any references would...
06 January 2015 5,432 12 View
Everyone who is familiar with classical electrodynamics knows about Lorentz invariant quantities (E2 - B2) and (E*B). Is there any application for these invariants in physics?
05 January 2015 5,350 2 View
To my knowledge, there is no solid correlation between temporal or spatial coherence and the polarization of light (linear, circular or elliptical) because the coherence arises from the nature of...
05 January 2015 4,019 12 View
01 January 2015 6,379 3 View
Do duroplastic or thermoplastic material have the best shielding effect of a electromagnetic field at 1 GHz?
01 January 2015 7,492 2 View