Fields representing the joint interplay of electric and magnetic forces. | Contact experts in Electromagnetic Fields to get answers
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Questions related to Electromagnetic Fields
for excitation of antenna and rings are on substrate
27 February 2017 8,156 2 View
When I plotted the radiation pattern its not giving me any details about side lobe. I want to have a 2d radiation pattern so that i can see the number of side lobes in my antenna.
17 February 2017 6,717 4 View
every know about EFL Antenna? can you suggest a reference about IT?With HFSS or CST Example? How Can i design This Antenna? whats aplication?
13 February 2017 8,124 2 View
What are the different types of isolated converter topologies for battery charging system and which one is the most efficient now a days. Kindly give answers with valuable references.
13 February 2017 9,651 3 View
hi is there a simulation software with simulating electromagnetic interactions ability?
02 February 2017 729 3 View
There are many numerical methods that can be used to simulate EM field in periodic structures, e.g. Finite Difference time domain method or Finite element method in the frequency domain. What is...
02 February 2017 1,237 3 View
If i am designing a RF switch, and simulations show -64dB reflection coefficient at the output port (S(5,5))= -64dB, is it possible to have such a value ? or should it be around -10dB ?
02 February 2017 4,703 4 View
How to calculate normal components of the propagation constant
01 January 2017 6,188 4 View
What's the best source to study new core (research reactors) loading pattern? I'm dealing with it in one of my research projects and would like to know what people are doing nowadays for getting...
20 December 2016 1,966 13 View
Research in this direction, I have not seen. If there is a scattering of light by vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, it should be the scattering of light by light. Relativistic...
11 November 2016 1,413 6 View
I would be very happy if somebody could recommend me a review paper on methods for detecting signals in electromagnetic field time series data. What is the state-of-the-art in detection of...
11 November 2016 9,860 1 View
how can I find observational data for circular velocity of spiral galaxies (v(r)) versus the distance from the center of galaxies(r)?
23 October 2016 7,786 2 View
I'm using a CsI crystal and measure the counts but I'm also possible to measure the spectrum. I want to extend my project and I want to calculate the dose. I read something about a conversion...
05 September 2016 9,146 5 View
If a transmission line is modeled as RLGC, how does time varying currents at high frequencies propagate from source to load when: The capacitors offer low impedance path to the ground? The...
19 August 2016 379 9 View
Hello. The famous ADK (Ammosov, Delone, and Krainov) tunnel-ionization model (M. V Ammosov, N. B. Delone, and V. P. Krainov, “Tunnel ionization of complex atoms and of atomic ions in an...
08 August 2016 9,312 5 View
08 August 2016 4,701 10 View
I define the geometry by atlas, uniaxial anisotropy, Magnetostatic energy and exchange interaction by oxs. I define the initial magnetization asm0 { Oxs_RandomVectorField { min_norm 1.0 max_norm...
07 July 2016 7,960 3 View
Electromagnetic field tensor basically consider electric and magnetic fields as classical. Can we use electromagnetic field tensor in quantum mechanics to get correct results of nature? Is there...
07 July 2016 7,003 12 View
I am using Stoner criteria to test the ferromagnetic behavior of the material. In this relation if IexN(Ef)
06 June 2016 1,808 0 View
From my understanding of special relativity and general relativity, I understand that I can never ctach up with a beam of light because a matter particle can never reach the speed of light. But,...
06 June 2016 7,898 5 View
The most general approach, based on a full-wave description of the electromagnetic fields, is provided by FDTD (finite-difference time domain) techniques, such as MEEP and RCWA
06 June 2016 6,926 6 View
Daniel Bernoulli established the principle that the number of modes of vibration in a system is equal to the degrees of freedom. In his method of hanging weights on a string, I assume without any...
06 June 2016 878 6 View
Usually, to apply force to any physical entity we need to interact with it; for example, we can't move a ball without hitting it. However, there are non interactive forces like fundamental fields...
06 June 2016 9,453 2 View
Where does the amplitude of electromagnetic pulse take part?
06 June 2016 339 4 View