Fields representing the joint interplay of electric and magnetic forces. | Contact experts in Electromagnetic Fields to get answers
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Questions related to Electromagnetic Fields
We want to expose the Rats with the electromagnetic field of cell phones (900 MHz) and then we will measure some proteins in their blood plasma. 1- Is it better to use Jammers or cell phone? 2-...
02 February 2018 5,231 7 View
would you tell me can i add another Epsilon in threshold function except (epsilon1,epsilon2 in spatially variant planar grating?
02 February 2018 9,029 3 View
In general, the microwave oven employs 2.45 GHz and most microwave ovens have similar cavity. As I guess, the transmitting length isn't finite. However, how about valid distance of the...
29 January 2018 9,330 7 View
if energy neither be created nor be destroyed, then from where current carrying solenoid got magnetic energy....if electric charge is fixed, how magnetism is created.... do electric charge is...
01 January 2018 2,545 9 View
If neutrinos are magnetic monopole tachyons, it can explain the origin of the quantum mechanics. Due to the duality of the electromagnetic phenomenon in Maxwell's equation, the traveling magnetic...
12 December 2017 9,494 0 View
I want to know if in general relativity we calculate the curvature of space time taking into account the energy due to an electromagnetic field.
10 October 2017 3,504 7 View
The principle of preserving energy would be more of a matter of metabolism than of the fact that the universe is an isolated system. This is a common sense statement. However, in nature, for...
10 October 2017 6,503 2 View
Is there any direct observation of the alleged Lorentz invariance, for example in electromagnetism? I propose the following experiment: Imagine a cathode ray (bundle) of electrons at a certain,...
10 October 2017 3,506 24 View
Dear all, I want to wind a special inductor to provide a powerful and intense magnetic field (e. g. 1.4 Tesla). I need to wind 300turn around my core with the 10cm length. Also, I have to excite...
09 September 2017 1,021 5 View
Dear Colleagues, From relation: P=ε_0 χ^((1)) E I suppose that in an isotropic medium, χ^((1)) is the scalar quantity, vector P and E are in the same direction, while for an anisotropic medium,...
09 September 2017 1,301 5 View
According to attachment, some manufacturers produce a unified magnetic field and flux by means of two separate coils located in the specific distance with each other. - Why they separate the...
09 September 2017 7,734 0 View
Hi to all, Consider the following scenario (shown in the attached file): Two mutually coherent and collimated light beams intersect as shown, creating the depicted 'bright' and 'dark' stationary...
08 August 2017 1,001 22 View
Hi everyone...... I'm looking suitable electromagnetic software for suspension system. Can you suggest me or if you expert in electromagnetic suspension, can you please pm me. Thank you.....
07 July 2017 4,037 0 View
Hi everyone......I'm looking for someone who expert in electromagnetic suspension system. Can you suggest me or if you expert in electromagnetic suspension, can you please pm me. Thank you.....
20 June 2017 7,138 3 View
One of the most distracting features of Einstein field equations of the gravitational field is, due to the appearance of the energy-momentum tensor, the field equations are not purely geometrical....
06 June 2017 4,288 1 View
06 June 2017 3,165 2 View
Does the electric dipole is affected by external magnetic field?
15 May 2017 8,660 3 View
The skin depth provides an approximation for field penetration in a conductor and describes the induced eddy current density decays from the surface to the inside of the condutor. However, if the...
05 May 2017 4,857 10 View
A single particle is known to have a zero dipole moment but a non-vanishing magnetic dipole moment. We have found that the electric dipole moment points along the velocity direction so it gives...
04 April 2017 4,260 9 View
I would like to reflect EM waves (power density will be a few W per m2) at room temperature. The H field of the reflected wave should be inverted (shifted by 180 degrees), so the reflection has...
04 April 2017 824 6 View
If I have a circular ( helical ) antenna, and its producing circular polarization waves, what would be the optimum type of antenna to receive the generated waves ?
03 March 2017 277 8 View
I am developing a project investigation the effect of electromagnetic fields on benthic infauna, especially with respect to array and export cables associated with offshore energy installations ....
03 March 2017 459 4 View
What happens when electromagnetic wave (EM) incidents on a metal plate? Does it reflect back? If yes then how to calculate how much (percentage) is reflected back. Kindly suggest any mathematical...
03 March 2017 4,629 3 View
Tracing out mechanical degrees of freedom in optomechanics
03 March 2017 3,175 1 View