Fields representing the joint interplay of electric and magnetic forces. | Contact experts in Electromagnetic Fields to get answers
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Questions related to Electromagnetic Fields
Hey guys, I am trying to estimate mainly the pressure but also the temperature that occurs in the plasma of an artificial current that mimics a lightning strike. Looking forward to your answer and...
10 October 2015 5,966 13 View
I wrote the electromagnetic FEM code by myself. In 2D transient eddy electromagnetic field simulation, the total current in the eddy current area must be zero. In my own FEM code , if I add up...
08 October 2015 8,439 2 View
If in a batch reactor both aeration and agitation is provided, but due to change in agitation there is not significant increase in product yield, but due to aeration and sparging there is...
19 September 2015 7,637 3 View
reflection prob on plane wave in fibre-reinforced elastic medium.
09 September 2015 654 2 View
In the transparency induced by electromagnetic wave in three-level system, it needs to control or manipulate the induced phase in the two lower levels (mentioned in the attached file). Can anyone...
09 September 2015 5,834 0 View
I'm using GM tube LND7121
08 September 2015 3,060 16 View
Exactly the electron motion equation in the ELECTROMAGNETIC field reads: r''+a r''' + b r = F. What is the physical meaning of the third derivative?
07 July 2015 348 2 View
we need periodic boundary condition in one direction but master slave are in two directions for unit cell simulation. How can we use them for just one direction?
24 June 2015 7,404 6 View
I want to calculate the prompt gamma energy spectrum inside the reactor, in-core and out-core irradiation facility.
12 June 2015 9,373 6 View
i am implementing Classical DTC in simulink with improved stator flux estimation [Algorithm which was proposed in paper AN IMPROVED STATOR FLUX ESTIMATION IN STEADY STATE OPERATION FOR DIRECT...
06 June 2015 8,290 3 View
Let's consider a very simple case of linear absorption. Sorry for ugly mathematical expressions. Two counter propagating isotropic plane waves eikz and e-ikz meet in a layer of slightly absorbing...
06 June 2015 2,783 5 View
Does anyone have an experience in plotting (solving a dispersion equation) dispersion relations for surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmons) which propagate between continuous and layered...
06 June 2015 9,288 15 View
Now I am writing my literature review for Ph.D. thesis, so i really need more new published articles related to bioeffect of RF-EMF on female reproductive system whether in pregnant or...
06 June 2015 8,566 7 View
What are the physical significance of TE and TM modes in an multi and single mode optical fiber?
06 June 2015 3,313 3 View
Because i am working on RFID measurements with different materials in use but i am not able to find any source to study the theoretical effects of different materials on RFID, waiting for your...
06 June 2015 3,535 3 View
QED rests on the idea that charged particles (e.g., electrons and positrons) interact by emitting and absorbing photons, the particles that transmit electromagnetic forces. These photons are...
06 June 2015 8,529 24 View
The question is fairly simple In the book "Gyrotrons: High-Power Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology" from M. V. Kartikeyan, Edith Borie, Manfred Thumm, in page 107 a generalization of Busch...
22 May 2015 1,397 2 View
the third-order nonlinear susceptibility is given as (picture 11) . Taking the light “2” with the frequency of w2 as the pump beam, and the light “1” with w1 as a probe beam, Eq. (1.55) describes...
16 May 2015 7,973 3 View
05 May 2015 8,973 3 View
If a neutron or any neutral particle like neutrino is thrown in an electromagnetic field with a specific amount of energy but i THINK THEY WOULD NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT of electrmagnetic field on...
05 May 2015 847 12 View
05 May 2015 9,796 2 View
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is the rate at which electromagnetic energy is absorbed by water, human tissue or any other material. After performing an electromagnetic simulation i got the below...
22 April 2015 7,187 8 View
when we would like to determine the limit of detection we always multiplicate the standard deviation by 3 and not by another number and the same thing about the limit of quantification that we...
19 April 2015 1,658 14 View
I have designed a power divider in ADS and imported the same in CST microwave studio and checked the s-parameters both were not matching. Can anyone help ms on this? Thanks in advance
07 April 2015 2,425 3 View