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Questions related to Cognitive Science
Hi Dear all I need to borderline feature items of personality assessment inventory which has been developed by Leslie C. Morey and its manual. I would be very grateful if someone has it, inform...
10 October 2016 657 4 View
Hello! I have recently started collecting data using a Brain Products EEG system. I use nose tip as online reference when I recording the data. I was just confused should I have to average the...
10 October 2016 4,785 3 View
I am looking for a multi-language computer-based tool that differentiate between visual and verbal working memory capacity. I already explored Patricia Alloway's Automatic Working Memory...
10 October 2016 4,698 4 View
I'm investigating how monkeys learn a certain cognitive task with an fully automated training protocol. I want to put the inter-individual difference of their learning performance (not final task...
29 September 2016 5,766 3 View
I want to know that is there any special eyetracker device model that can be used for working with children between 6-24 months. There is many models from companies like SMI, Tobii, Eyelink, ...,...
17 September 2016 9,164 1 View
Typically, I have always understood null hypotheses to be, in effect, a statement of equality where u0 = u1 (for example). And thus, when hypothesis testing the alpha level is set to identify a...
16 September 2016 7,458 26 View
I need to know if I can compare statistically the fluctuation on one variable of only one subject to the fluctuation of the same variable of the rest of the group; is it possible? Statistically...
10 September 2016 2,459 10 View
I am interested in the history and theory of the Open Source movement, which in the last decade expanded into open data, open access, open science, open government, etc. Is the use of the word...
09 September 2016 2,275 5 View
09 September 2016 5,253 3 View
Hi I'm new to cognitive research. I'll be glad if someone guide me through this and give me some information about this topic.
09 September 2016 1,364 27 View
I am looking for a free matrices-type IQ test to use it in my research. I have searched the literature but tests that I usually encounter, such as Raven, are quite expensive, and I am looking for...
09 September 2016 5,645 6 View
09 September 2016 889 10 View
I believe this is an effect that can be found for reading text out-loud vs reciting text out loud as well, but I'm having a hard time finding references for instrumental performance.
09 September 2016 5,335 4 View
I want to combine fNIRS and eye tracking to study autism, but since they have a different sample rates, and eye tracking is much more faster, so how to synchronise them?
09 September 2016 7,599 4 View
Hi fellow researcher, I have searched already for similiar problems but couldn't find an answer. I split the file in SPSS by a two-level between group variable (sequence) and then want to perform...
09 September 2016 6,112 4 View
Dear all, I am seeking a whole-brain template or mask which segments brain into a few (not too many, best
06 September 2016 5,919 5 View
Since the dawn of time, humankind’s singular ability to make decisions has allowed human beings to face innumerable environmental challenges and complex evolutionary dynamics. Environmental...
08 August 2016 506 84 View
Has someone done further research or a conceptual clarification on the "abstract body-model" proposed by Tsakiris, Haggard and Constantini which is proposed in the attached paper ?
07 July 2016 5,170 1 View
03 July 2016 6,664 1 View
From a paper I am reading:"Cognitive competence comprises aspects such as [...] coherence and cohesion of thinking and of the discourse manifesting it" (Lehmann, C., Language Competence. Theory...
06 June 2016 7,551 0 View
On conceptual structure: Are some concepts built out of (and, therefore, reducible to) other concepts? Is this the case only within particular theories of concepts (e.g. the Classical Theory,...
06 June 2016 738 3 View
Does anyone have any resources for automatic parcellation similar to Freesurfer but with smaller subdivisions of the STG? Specifically, I'm looking for separation of anterior and posterior...
06 June 2016 5,868 4 View
I am trying to write up a code in psychopy which presents visual stimuli while I record EMG (electromyography). This EMG addition is new to me so I am not sure how best to proceed with time...
06 June 2016 1,260 2 View
03 June 2016 1,928 3 View