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Questions related to Cognitive Science
Does anyone have any resources for automatic parcellation similar to Freesurfer but with smaller subdivisions of the STG? Specifically, I'm looking for separation of anterior and posterior...
03 June 2016 2,039 3 View
I want to measure if system 1 or system 2 is active during certain task on a online plattform. I am currently considering questionnaires between the task (of which I haven't yet found a good one)...
21 April 2016 457 9 View
I need the Paas cognitive load scale for measuring cognitive load .
04 April 2016 6,361 5 View
04 April 2016 8,785 10 View
I am looking for a brief, online form of CR that can be used as self-help or guided self-help. Can anyone help please? We are planning a pilot trial to see the effect of CR combined with CBTp...
13 March 2016 3,836 4 View
I have only recently stumbled over psychosemiotics as a specific field of research and was struck by how much its concerns match my own interest in applying evolutionary psychology and certain...
03 March 2016 7,581 0 View
03 March 2016 6,093 5 View
I'm curious about this phenomenon. Is there something that happens (possibly related to chronobiology in some obscure way?) that filters the field of awareness / consciousness at night so that...
03 March 2016 9,387 7 View
Is there any kind of tutorial about the analyze of the Loreta outputs? Thank you.
03 March 2016 5,314 1 View
I am attempting to develop a theory that humans have the capacity to "see with their bodies," essentially turning the surfaces of their bodies into a sort of screen, where they can project both...
27 February 2016 8,740 8 View
I am aware that you can use CBT to actively change your thoughts about memories. However, I am interested in whether there are therapies to actively get rid of bad memories. For example, when a...
19 February 2016 9,743 8 View
I am interested in what specific things (e.g.assumption, focus) make the term cognitive presence different from other terms listed above? What is the essence of the concept cognitive presence?...
17 February 2016 1,066 2 View
I am using FSL to perform resting state analysis, just past pre-processing, I realized that identifying noise components manually is not only time comsuming, but may not be 100% accurate. Are...
07 February 2016 8,510 4 View
02 February 2016 4,035 9 View
02 February 2016 6,527 9 View
02 February 2016 2,398 3 View
Hi all, I have collected a huge amount of line bisection data (paper version) and I am now looking for a matlab script (or other) that could help me to measure and score these data. Does anyone...
02 February 2016 6,134 3 View
02 February 2016 2,304 5 View
I mean general information about cognitive code theory and how skills can be formed implicitly. Thanks
02 February 2016 5,375 2 View
Why is there a difference between an item on a to-do list or calendar that says "Goto gym" versus one that says "Fit into tuxedo in time for wedding - work out at the gym now!" Which studies can I...
23 January 2016 8,330 6 View
R RandomForestIntree package in R
04 January 2016 1,288 2 View
While I find the concept of a cognitive schema is more or less well elaborated in the literature (the best definition which I know is in [1]), the concept of a frame seems much less clear. What...
01 January 2016 5,003 8 View
01 January 2016 2,952 7 View
If I project a dataset of neural activities on a reduced space resulting from PCA and creating neural trajectories, I can visualize the dynamics of neural activity during the trial. But I'm not...
28 December 2015 2,976 3 View