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Questions related to Cognitive Science
I need an explanation about the term "supervisory processing" in cognitive science. Thank you!
09 September 2017 3,504 4 View
"The AI Takeover Is Coming" this is what is the news these days. Is it really a trend setter for future years. What is the impact over manual work due to this? just needed the audience thoughts...
30 August 2017 8,475 37 View
If i have to get the most possible generic steps of text analytics, what are the most commonly used steps for any text analysis model. Any help and your expert guidance/ suggestions are...
30 August 2017 10,166 8 View
I'm going to make an experimental research to test an specific phenomenon (a cognitive bias, to be more specific). Then I'm assigning 6 questions to the participants. Let's call E1 and E2 the two...
26 August 2017 5,718 1 View
08 August 2017 8,032 1 View
Hi there, I'm about to contrast a picture description paradigm with a sentence completion paradigm under cognitive load. Can someone recommend a second task to induce this cognitive load which is...
07 July 2017 2,966 6 View
Hello, I want to use a paradigm where subjects have to detect near-threshold targets in flickering noise at random moments, but without any classical trial structure, meaning that there is a...
06 June 2017 9,292 7 View
I am looking for papers/reviews that use insight from the cognitive and behavioural sciences to understand what happens during the process of policy-making, rather than how such insight can be...
28 April 2017 3,087 4 View
In a previous study Afsari et al. (1st link) we could show a leftward bias early during visual exploration and its modulation (up or down, depending on reading direction of the native language and...
04 April 2017 2,215 2 View
04 April 2017 2,393 5 View
I am hoping to run a cognitive load manipulation while participants respond to an attribution questionnaire. However, rather than using a typical working memory task where participants are asked...
03 March 2017 3,618 3 View
It seems that most self-report tools can be used only after the task was finished (eg. NASA TLX, Paas Scale, Subjective Workload Assessment Technique, Rating Scale Mental Effort). However, I would...
28 February 2017 3,636 5 View
I am trying to program a numerical vigilance test whereby 3 digit numbers will be presented randomly on the screen at a rate of 100 per min (this part I have managed to program). I need 8% of...
10 February 2017 6,445 8 View
I will give my answer: Metacognition is like a view of the 'self' in the sense that there is evidence only that you necessarily (absolutely) need it for conventional social interactions (e.g....
02 February 2017 4,054 0 View
02 February 2017 8,805 5 View
02 February 2017 4,365 9 View
I have to do a presentation a model that is governed by distributed theory. I have to emphasize the real world implication of the model and the theory or theories that govern it.
01 January 2017 2,351 1 View
Yes, there are definitely more experiments on brain by using ERP and fMRI, but, by considering the three famous questions in the study of predictive inference in discourse comprehension, is there...
12 December 2016 4,680 2 View
Hello,I would like to ask if do you think that changes in sleep spindle activity might be followed by cognitive disturbances in general? I know that increased spindle activity is connected with...
12 December 2016 5,871 8 View
Could you tell me if light stimulation might be an adequate treatment for sleep-related disorders? For instance blue light influences melatonin production, what might be helpful to re-entrain the...
28 October 2016 5,595 12 View
As you can see from my ResearchGate profile, I have explored various explanations for the underlying mechanism that allows me to have cannabinoid-induced visual experiences as a totally blind...
10 October 2016 8,346 0 View
From an overview of the topic, it is emerged that leadership experience matters for organizations not only to sustain financial returns, but also to achieve a larger outcome at a faster rate. This...
10 October 2016 3,991 1 View
I wanna to test an incubation effect on divergent thinking by using alternative use test (AUT). there is an incubation time between the first and the second time AUTs. I do not know how to give...
10 October 2016 7,503 7 View
10 October 2016 6,822 13 View