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Questions related to Cognitive Science
I need to know if there is a measure for controlling for social conformity when testing direct vs indirect influence of misinformation on event recall.
10 October 2014 6,783 2 View
What is the capacity of the upper limit of human memory? Are the memory mechanisms the same between those of humans and computers? If not, what advances can current computers learn from the brain.
10 October 2014 1,398 3 View
Which of the following potential reasons you‘d consider to be rational? a) It’s merely a behavioral convention; b) Text printed on paper is much stable; c) Text displayed on monitors may loss some...
10 October 2014 5,684 2 View
I want to work using cognitive science & psycho neurosciences on premenstrual syndrome symptoms to analyse the actual cause of these symptoms. Also if possible can Cognitive behaviour therapy...
10 October 2014 7,347 1 View
04 October 2014 7,917 1 View
I'm looking for explanatory cognitive models of PTSD and dissociation. I'm doing research on the relationship between dissociation and PTSD amongst undergraduate students. Thank you for your help.
17 September 2014 9,856 4 View
09 September 2014 4,946 5 View
There are many researches in the field of economics etc which explore knowledge management practice, km systems as economic phenomenon. What about cognitive approach to this concept? I suppose...
09 September 2014 6,922 3 View
I am confused between choosing suitable eeg electrode for my project.The active dry electrodes like g.SAHARA are costly and not easily available.How about making some DIY active electrodes?Is it...
08 August 2014 4,411 11 View
How the experience of the X comes to our mind. How thoughts get initiated in the mind. One can say because one wanted(intentional) to think about X. but why one wanted to think about X at a...
08 August 2014 2,646 0 View
I am searching a psychophysics article in cognitive science with accessible data (psychophysical data), then my classmate and I can work on a cognitive model based on the article assumptions and...
08 August 2014 2,501 4 View
Hello! I am running a rubber hand experiment (n=69) investigating factors that influence the rubber hand illusion. Now, I am looking at the outliers in the experiment. I have noticed that some of...
08 August 2014 7,509 4 View
We are developing Attention-Aware Systems, which includes the Sensing (Estimation), Modeling and Management of user attention. In my research activitise I was not able to find a generally valid...
07 July 2014 6,252 20 View
I am looking for any information about the academic study of parts and wholes and the relationships between parts and parts as well as parts and wholes. I am interested in these entities...
07 July 2014 6,685 50 View
Looking for a measure on optimality of neuromotor circuitry. It could be in touch-induced movement using animal models or humans, thanks!
07 July 2014 1,564 4 View
Would it be reasonable to think that combining Molecular Genetics and Cognitive Robotics will some day (ex. in 10, 50, 100 yrs.) contribute to a successful convergence between man and machine to...
06 June 2014 898 14 View
How can we learn them (Implicit Requirements)? Are there mechanisms or a set of steps that we will need to follow such that if A follows that step it's going to produce Implicit Requirements and...
06 June 2014 2,465 13 View
We got some pretty weird results in a memory recognition task. Subjects are asked to indicate if the word presented has been learned (old) or not (new). And we have 4 different conditions during...
09 May 2014 4,409 19 View
What is the contribution of this approach to cognitive science?
05 May 2014 3,012 3 View
05 May 2014 7,632 20 View
How is the information encoded in the brain? Some authors suggested that the brain works as a simulator of external reality. Among these, some have even suggested that information within it is...
05 May 2014 9,656 5 View
what are the properties that make Cognition and Thinking different from each other?
05 May 2014 2,645 20 View
If thinking can be modeled by the Dynamical System approach, the thinking will be a self-organized system. How free will this incorporated system be? What are parameters and state variables in...
05 May 2014 8,384 6 View
Some dogs living in my neighbourhood always bark at me whenever they see me. though they see me almost everyday, but still they bark at me. it seems they do not remember me anymore. is there...
05 May 2014 8,983 2 View