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Questions related to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Hi all, I'm currently interpreting microarray data that has been converted to a gene expression data matrix using the justRMA command. I understand that the data has been log transformed but I...
11 November 2016 8,291 2 View
Am targeted to improve maximum relevance minimum redundancy ( MRMR ) for gene selection problem , but MRMR coded in matlab language which am not familiar with it. please if you have MRMR in java...
01 November 2016 4,699 4 View
I am a yeast (S. cerevisiae) researcher and we commonly use a wonderful database,, which, among other things, has data on the phenotypes caused by most of the yeast genes....
30 October 2016 5,312 3 View
I am writing a python tool for getting pH of given protein and I am using pH = pKa + log( [A-] / [HA] ) How to configure general equation for " log( [A-] / [HA]...
18 October 2016 8,198 2 View
When we run the amplified SSR product in an agarose gel, how heterozygous and homozygous conditions are differentiated ? Can anyone illustrate the scenario with a gel picture ?
17 October 2016 5,687 4 View
Dear All, Perhaps someone could suggest me a literature on modelling of Ab-Ag interactions. I am interested in both the "macroscopic", such as molecules of different Abs interacting with molecules...
12 October 2016 5,562 1 View
Hi all, I want to order one siRNA from one publication. In the publication, they used 3 siRNAs and I want to order the most efficient one first. This is a 19nt siRNA. But when I do the blast,...
10 October 2016 470 4 View
Does anyone know if there is a database of known yield coefficients of microbial growth on different substrates?. Lets say for example, of the yield coefficient of yeast growth on glucose. Thanks...
10 October 2016 5,489 1 View
I am interested in understanding if it is possible to do the following: Given a dataset of sequenced genomes (mutations, CNAs, etc.) with associated epigenetics data (over/under-expression,...
10 October 2016 832 3 View
Can I somewhere obtain n-gram statistics over PubMed abstracts?
10 October 2016 7,289 0 View
I have assigned to create a small Perl module which can be using for bioinformatics and bio statistics. I have searched for many ideas. But almost all ideas are already there in CPAN. Can anyone...
10 October 2016 7,590 4 View
10 October 2016 3,300 2 View
Can anyone suggest a citation to support/refute the the relationship between DNA concentrations and erroneous PCR product? I am struggling to find peer-reviewed resources that speak to this...
10 October 2016 3,599 3 View
Good day, I am making an app in Unity with C# and I wish to add some visualisation to my project. I have read about UnityMol and hyperballs, but I have no idea how to add these to my project. I...
10 October 2016 5,696 0 View
I sequenced a DNA-library obtained from soil samples using MiSeq system of Illumina. To account for contamination in the lab, I added a negative control. Unfortunately, this control was not added...
10 October 2016 5,917 1 View
Hi, I have a protein complex system, Initially i have minimized and equilibrate my system for 0.5ns. Then i want to slowly relax the side chain and back bone of my protein. i used all the restart...
10 October 2016 7,554 3 View
I have mouse tissue expression genes, but I did not found any database or r package for this purpose ?all for human kindly answer second I also have lncrna data what kind of ontology or other...
10 October 2016 7,769 1 View
For QTLs generally, it is like qPH12-1 (q=QTL, PH=Plant height, 12= Chr, 1 = first from N side. Similarly, can we use gaPH12-1 or gPH12-1
10 October 2016 3,037 4 View
Hi, I´m searching for a commandline tool to perform a quick pseudoassembly (i. e. mapping of assembled genomic contigs to a reference, ordering of contigs accordingly and filling of gaps with...
10 October 2016 4,136 2 View
I have access to controlled data. I have done this some years ago, but can't seem to figure out the new interface. Ideas?
10 October 2016 6,814 3 View
I used genomatyx to analyze transcription factors in promoters sequences, but now I have many problems to login, so does anyone knows another facility to do this?
10 October 2016 6,036 5 View
10 October 2016 1,014 1 View
Dear Researchers, There will be an impact in the binding of G-quadruplex DNA with the anticancer drugs due to different PH and temperature environment in our body. During the simulation how these...
10 October 2016 8,376 3 View
can anyone point me to refseq73 human GTF?
10 October 2016 9,718 5 View