24 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Zeinah Mohamad Elnassar
Hello everyone, I want to plot the stress path on the nodes attached to a shell element using PATH OPERATIONS. The path from ANSYS shows the results at the top of the shell ONLY and not at the...
18 October 2021 4,791 2 View
Dear Researchers, I hope you are all doing well, I have a structure having inclined BEAM188 elements and I am using the element table to find axial stresses in members. Element table ->...
23 August 2021 5,052 1 View
My first picture shows my current mesh size along the direction of the thickness of my SOLID185 element. how can I have more divisions / mesh along the direction of thickness as my second picture...
18 August 2021 6,574 6 View
In the stress results, I get two stress values for the same node and the following error " BEAM/PIPE elements are detected in the selected element set. They are ignored in the nodal averaging...
09 August 2021 2,980 6 View
I modeled a concrete deck slab on top of steel girders in ANSYS APDL but my results for the bending stress (X component stress) from ANSYS do not match what I obtained from hand calculations Using...
07 August 2021 5,374 7 View
When I define the beam cross section and give it b and h dimensions, I notice that ANSYS switches the b and h after i mesh and assign the element it switches the height with the width and vice...
06 August 2021 1,549 3 View
Hi All, l am modeling a composite slab on girder bridge on ANSYS APDL following the shown procedure. I connected the shell element slab to the beam by using MPC184 rigid links. All of my...
25 July 2021 7,721 4 View
Hi, as seen in the picture I am trying to create a contact pair (Contact / target) between a solid and shell element but I only get flexible connection for the option.
25 July 2021 9,638 1 View
Hi, I get an error saying that my model is not sufficiently constrained when I connect solid element having 3 degrees of freedom to a shell / beam element having 6 degrees of freedom. Is there...
19 July 2021 1,039 3 View
I am modeling a bridge on ANSYS APDL using shell and beam elements. The beams and slab are connected using MPC184 (constrained element). After I am done modeling and meshing I merge nodes with...
28 June 2021 2,422 8 View
I am not sure whether to use boolean A glue command to glue the areas / lines of my model together. OR just use merging nodes NUMMRG, node command My model is a static linear bridge element...
28 June 2021 506 3 View
My SOLID65 element is reinforced concrete but what modulus of elasticity and material properties do I put? For nonlinear analysis
27 January 2021 1,952 3 View
Unlike shell elements, solid elements have three degrees of freedom. So how can I get the values of moments after I run the model/analysis on ANSYS / ABAQUS ?
22 January 2021 473 3 View
Is the stress throughout the thickness of the shell element the same? I learned that transverse shear stresses are accounted for in SHELL181 but I also read that stresses in shells along the...
29 December 2020 4,794 4 View
What is the difference between plane and shell elements in ANSYS? other than the fact that plane has 3 degrees of freedom and shell has 6 degrees of freedom?
29 December 2020 2,226 3 View
Both Link180 and SOLID185 elements have 3 degrees of freedom each (translation along the x, y and z) with no rotation allowed. But why do both behave differently under applied load? Why does...
27 December 2020 3,050 4 View
For modeling bridge deck slab on ANSYS APDL, why is shell element preferred over solid element? I read somewhere that the mesh of shell elements is more efficient than solid elements. Why is that?
03 December 2020 8,469 3 View
For the bridge shown below, the web is connected to both flanges, and the slab is connected to the parapet by meshing and merging the nodes, but what is the name of this connection? is it...
23 November 2020 2,491 5 View
I modeled a bridge on ANSYS APDL and added cross bracings / diaphragms as shown below. The diaphragms are not straight along the x or y or z direction, they are inclides BEAM188 elements. how can...
15 November 2020 8,457 3 View
How can I re-mesh lines in ANSYS APDL without having to click all the mesh in my model (attached below)? Is there an option where I could clear only the lines meshing without clearing the mesh of...
10 November 2020 7,378 4 View
I am modeling a finite element bridge on ANSYS APDL (attached below), and after meshing I am getting these different colors (purple and blue) for my FEM bridge model. I do not know what they...
02 November 2020 9,271 3 View
I am meshing a small area (shell element) attached below and I keep getting errors (attached below). I have tried smartsize meshing on ANSYS APDL and manual meshing. Yet it is not working out....
18 October 2020 4,407 4 View
I am modeling a composite bridge on ANSYS APDL. i modeled the deck slab as a brick solid element and I had to divide it into 7 parts for the meshing to work (attached). After meshing all...
17 September 2020 9,212 5 View
I get this error when I define material properties as nonlinear elastic TB,MELAS I cannot graph or plot the table.
01 January 1970 8,207 2 View