Zeinah Mohamad Elnassar Hi, There are number of ways to increase mesh elements. You can reduce the mesh element size. But, if you need to increase the mesh elements at any specific regions then pls select that portion/surface/elements & re-mesh it by reducing the element size.
You have to increase the division in thickness direction so select the direction in which you would like to increase mesh density and assign mesh refining than automatically the mesh shall be refined with more number of elements. In ANSYS this can be done in simple manner..i suggest you to try like this to redraw the mesh..ok all the best..
Zeinah Mohamad Elnassar Direction of thickness?? I don't understand ur point of direction of thickness, but it would be easier if you do re-mesh by selecting all that regions and maintain lower element size. Or else select the boundary lines of thickness and mesh it. Or also you can use size contr0l steps,
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Size Controls> Smart Size> Basic