46 Questions 54 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wan Mohamad Ikhmal
Greeting, When I tried to remotely accessed the scopus database by login into my institution id, it kept bring me back to the scopus preview. I tried cleaning the cache, reinstall the browser,...
25 December 2022 6,983 5 View
Greetings fellow researchers, Can someone give me a suggestion on how can I improve the dispersion of urea-formaldehyde microcapsules in waterborne polyurethane coatings? Because some of them...
15 November 2022 5,514 1 View
Greetings dear researchers, I have fabricated urea-formaldehyde microcapsules for the dispersion in waterborne polyurethane. However, I found out that the waterborne polyurethane have pH 8.56 in...
15 November 2022 169 1 View
Greetings fellow researchers, I am trying to adjust the pH of waterborne polyurethane that I bought for a research project. The problem is, no matter how much I tried, the pH only move a little...
15 November 2022 1,778 2 View
Greetings dear researchers, Recently I tried to fabricate microcapsules using a non-polar liquid. After several trials, I managed to form the microcapsules quite a lot in one batch of a solution....
25 September 2022 252 0 View
Greetings, I want to re-create some published work that use formaldehyde as the wall material for microcapsules. The purpose of this microcapsules are to encapsulate some oil for anticorrosion...
26 July 2022 3,071 5 View
Greeting, As you can see in the figure attached, I want to ask, if I have a sample that has been immersed for few days already. What is the suitable duration and stab. (mV/s) I should use for...
19 January 2022 7,102 11 View
Greetings, My question is very simple. We all know that essential oil does not mix with water and will just float on the water surface. So, let say I want to test its corrosion inhibitive...
25 December 2021 8,681 13 View
Greetings, I am currently studying the properties of urea-formaldehyde microcapsules. I found that a few journal has mentioned that urea-formaldehyde microcapsule is pH-sensitive. But, I also...
29 September 2021 9,441 5 View
Greetings, Can someone please help me. I want to ask about the condition for extrusion. I have nylon glass fibers (polyamide 6 + graphene and polyamide 6 + graphene + graphite). The issue is, the...
23 June 2021 5,380 6 View
Greetings, May someone make a suggestion where I can get the standard of carpaine compound (usually extracted from the carica papaya) for my HPLC study? Thanks
30 March 2021 3,973 5 View
Greetings, I need some suggestion on the selection of adhesion promoter and wetting agent for water-borne polyurethane (WPU) coatings. For example, I found out that Organofunctional Silane...
01 February 2021 2,200 1 View
Greetings, I have a bit of problem in setup the basis set of my DFT study for ZnO.. As you can see in the image attached below, I use B3LYP 6-31G (d,p) for geometrical opt. of ZnO.. But sadly, I...
14 January 2021 7,747 4 View
Greetings, Recently, I was asked by a researcher how does TiO2 enhance the coatings polymeric structure making it able to reduce corrosion reaction by preventing the penetration of aggressive...
03 January 2021 5,440 5 View
Greetings researchers, I want to ask for your suggestion in regards to what is the suitable amplitude of sinusoidal perturbation signal to analyzed the conditions of bare and coated stainless...
08 December 2020 7,855 7 View
Greetings all, To my limited understanding, the crude extract of plants obtained using solvents such as ethanol and methanol are usually insoluble in water. Is this correct? If it is soluble in...
03 December 2020 1,189 6 View
Dear researchers, I am a researcher from a university in Malaysia. I know that we all are having a tough situation in this pandemic year. I just posted this to know if there is any possible...
25 November 2020 8,918 3 View
Greetings researchers, There are quite a number of studies has been performed to analyze the effects of corrosion inhibitor when incorporated in a coating (epoxy, alkyd and etc) for the...
24 November 2020 6,779 10 View
Greetings to all researchers, First and foremost, I would like thank all of you for answering this question. So, my question is quite general I guess, for a standard marine coating with good...
09 November 2020 9,094 4 View
Greetings, I am interested to study the effects of encapsulated leaf extracts on the self-healing property of a coating. Can anyone suggest a suitable method for me to fabricate this micro OR...
06 November 2020 496 4 View
During a few days of study, I found that there are more latest journal concerning the waterborne polyurethane than other types like the waterborne alkyds, acrylic and etc. I wonder why?
27 October 2020 3,213 7 View
Dear researchers, in your opinion, what parameters should we use to determine the readiness of a corrosion inhibitor for industrial use? For example, the charge transfer resistance, at what value...
03 September 2020 2,687 4 View
Greetings to all, Currently, I am testing a few formulation using clear waterborne acrylic binder and waterborne epoxy resin (clear color). So, I am thinking of adding some stabilizer to test...
14 February 2020 7,796 4 View
Greetings to all, I want to ask about the effects of metal alkoxide when used as catalyst in a coating to both human and environment. I read that it is used quite a lot as a catalyst to produce a...
30 December 2019 915 2 View
Greetings, Currently, I am trying to develop a new paint formulation. I already have in mind on what type of pigment and additive that I want to use. The problem is, I do not have a good idea on...
23 September 2019 1,072 5 View
I am interested in learning on the topic of VOCs emission by marine coating. I have read some articles which claim that VOCs emission does not only emitted during the initial stage of application,...
03 September 2019 3,821 4 View
To the best of my knowledge, artificial seawater is usually deployed inside a glass or plastic container such as aquarium. My inquiry is, has it ever been used in a metal based container? The...
19 August 2019 7,800 3 View
Greetings, I am looking for a fast and easy VOC content determination method for a coating. Can anyone suggest what method or tools that can be used?
27 May 2019 8,525 3 View
Greetings, I am interested in developing an eco-friendly anti-corrosive and anti-fouling coating for marine vessel protection. During the development, I come across a few idea such as...
23 April 2019 1,733 6 View
Greetings, I'm planning to formulate a coating using several components. However, I am currently stuck in selecting an appropriate binder such as epoxy resin, acrylic and etc. If you have any...
18 February 2019 1,296 11 View
As the question stated, does a broken agcl eletrode will leads to a big measurement error? Means that, you will still get a result but that reading will be highly inaccurate?
10 January 2019 1,639 5 View
I am actually having a hard time to understand the purpose of Warburg impedance in an equivalent circuit to analyze the capability of an organic coating for corrosion study purpose. I have read a...
19 December 2018 5,132 0 View
Dear academicians, The question is related to a situation I face a few days ago. On the first day I conducted the EIS analyzation on a bare metal in an artificial seawater, I got a good...
06 December 2018 1,247 9 View
Greetings, I just read an article which says that for the analysis of corrosion using EIS, a low frequency limit should be chosen to ensure minimal change in system during data collection. My...
27 November 2018 7,845 10 View
Hi and greetings, I just want to find out some suggestion about good publishers especially on the topic of corrosion in marine. Thank you :)
19 November 2018 8,705 6 View
Greetings, I planned to make a simple procedure of corrosion testing using an organic coating applied using a brush on stainless steel coupons. But, I still want to follow the standard thickness...
23 October 2018 279 5 View
Greetings. If you take a look at the picture, in the efficiency section we can see the efficiency calculated where this was done by the author using the equation as follow: n(%) = (Rct -...
03 October 2018 4,933 6 View
During my proposal defense presentation, on of the examiner ask me to include the analysis on moisture content of my extract before and after the drying process is done. Im basically want to do a...
16 August 2018 6,199 5 View
I've made a coating for anticorrosion study. Now, since I used Zn0 as one of the component, the color of the coating is white. As far as I can see in this situation, If I proceed to the Scanning...
13 August 2018 1,438 12 View
When I combine the plant extract (organic) and Zinc Oxide nano (inorganic) to produce a coating, is this considered as a hybrid coating? Thank you for your time :)
25 July 2018 3,770 3 View
As the stated question above. Thank you. What is the main difference between coating and painting?
23 July 2018 9,018 4 View
Greetings, Recently, I've come across a paper which experimenting on the antibacterial test using disc diffusion. An interesting thing I stumble upon is the result were categorized according to 3...
08 July 2018 9,222 3 View
I've studied quite a few papers along the way in regards to the use of S. aureus as a testing material to test the capability of corrosion inhibitor. However, non of the paper actually told me...
08 July 2018 9,505 3 View
Greetings. My question is quite simple. Previously, when I'm working in analyzing the coated sample of steel with a coating made of plant extract. I usually got a polarization curve showing both...
13 May 2018 7,427 4 View
Greetings, Currently I am interested in producing a coating which is able to cure efficiently underwater. If any researchers have interesting opinion on how I can achieve this target.. Please...
01 January 1970 3,902 3 View
Greetings, Recently, I read some research papers on the application of an epoxidized soybean oil in coating as stabilizer. The paper highlighted on the advantage of the epoxidized soybean oil as...
01 January 1970 4,164 5 View