27 Questions 452 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Subhash C. Juneja
Have you seen any difference in Taqman system and Sybrgreen RTPCR? Former is way expensive?
12 December 2017 5,656 0 View
The predatory journal Omnics has become obsolete, it sounds? They were under lawsuit. It looks they have removed their site www.omicsonline.org I published 2 papers in their journal- so those...
01 January 2017 1,760 0 View
The conference of climate change is underway- How demonstrations are helping them? Though it is each one's responsibility. Are these demonstrations political or real people?
11 November 2015 2,981 1 View
Sir Tim Hunt, a nobel laureate was severely punished and deprived of his whole life hard work and career reputation for the comment he made, he claimed that he did a joke only. As human beings...
07 July 2015 4,311 3 View
If someone know good working antibody for MMP13 specific for human and rat, pl share the catalog number. I appreciate, Thanks, Subhash
07 July 2015 4,357 7 View
Pl provide me cat log number of working anti-body for localizing LUBRICIN (PRG-4) in HUMAN TISSUE or in Human and Rat tissues both for Immunohistochemistry. Many thanks,
05 May 2015 7,858 5 View
This question is towards organic chemistry/molecular biology researchers. I am looking for basic chemical structures drawing free software for Mac preferably. You may suggest for PC also. Thanks...
02 February 2015 7,685 6 View
With the advent of technology- personal time and office time is getting mingled- Do you try to demarcarcate that?
02 February 2015 6,381 5 View
I like you to share what is your immediate reaction to negative results of a big experiment which are contrary to your expectations. How you deal with it.
01 January 2015 1,578 9 View
Every journal has different rules of writing style, bibliography style, figures presentation, number of references, number of figures and number of tables, number of pages limit etc. All this is...
12 December 2014 5,068 13 View
I feel researchers from underdeveloped countries are taking more advantage from RG site and are more keen in this site? what is your opinion?
11 November 2014 7,550 3 View
Some journals get their research reviewed after hiding the names of the authors. What is your preference and why? What is the fair review process: blind or open
11 November 2014 8,656 14 View
If I get my job done from a core facility or from a service in university or outside and pay per sample analysis. Do the techs deserve authorship
10 October 2014 3,626 17 View
If you are working in a laboratory or in close environment where a married couple is working. How comfortable you will be? Since time to time difference comes with one of them, how it will impact...
10 October 2014 930 2 View
There have been great couples in science with success. Based on your experience or in your opinion, what you recommend to young Master's students, PhD students or postdocs who will be looking...
10 October 2014 8,332 12 View
Why more smart people are less successful in workplace and achieving their goals. In contrast, less smart people are more successful, in general? is it true and why?
10 October 2014 7,738 18 View
Let me put earlier question in this way: Earlier question was Should researcher marry another researcher; My alternate question is that would you prefer or not prefer your spouse working in your...
10 October 2014 1,924 12 View
Scientists have their own rules, there is no defined rule which technical person gets authorship? What do you follow or is being followed in your research vicinity or lab?
09 September 2014 5,319 10 View
Some studies use fluorescent-labelled cells for transplantation in knee or in any bone for tracing the fate of transplanted cells: I really want to know if the fluorescence is lost due to...
09 September 2014 5,792 2 View
Some argue that workaholics do not contribute any extra than normal worker? What people think?
08 August 2014 635 14 View
What is the best protocol for decalcification of rat knee suitable for immunohistochemistry, safranin-O (cartilage) and TRAP staining (bone remodelling) on paraffin-sections. Please share your...
07 July 2014 3,492 12 View
Synovial Fibrosis Does anyone have experience in synovial fibrosis in surgically-induced OA rat knee or mouse or other animal model? Has anyone tried to reduce synovial fibrosis while trying to...
05 May 2014 4,942 2 View
Is there any data available indicating tick infestation and reduced reproduction in domestic animals or in any animal species?
03 March 2014 7,742 8 View
Does anyone have experience using this blocking buffer (made with Salmon serum) for immunohistochemistry of mammalian cells or tissues?
03 March 2014 4,030 3 View
Histology of induced osteoarthritic knee of rat
01 January 2014 1,000 2 View
Anyone can guide me through from scratch how to do gene expression for microRNAs by real time PCR. I mean how specific primers are designed for miRs. If normal reverse-transcribed cDNA will also...
01 January 2014 7,362 3 View
In my opinion, only technical and editorial changes should be done by publishers. For scientific quality, let everyone assumed to be responsible, and each paper should be published without any...
01 January 1970 1,038 13 View