37 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sailesh Palikhe
Does anybody know how many endothelial cells are present in the heart of an adult mouse?
24 July 2023 8,182 1 View
Does anyone know the diameter (size) of mouse heart endothelial cell?
09 July 2023 1,446 1 View
I want to know whether LPS+ATP combination induces inflammasome activation in HUVEC or endothelial cells. Thanks
09 March 2023 5,158 1 View
I'm using a cycloheximide chase assay to look into the stability of a protein. Despite giving the cells cycloheximide (100 uM) over a number of time periods (0, 12h, 24h, and 36h), I was unable to...
20 January 2023 220 0 View
I want to make a stacked bar graph with showing each data value as dots. I tried with graph pad prism, version 6, but could not succeed. Does anyone have tried before making such graphs?
02 March 2021 9,786 1 View
I performed HE staining of intestinal section of wild type (WT) and Knockout mice (KO). I found that the staining intensity is reduced in case of KO mice. There was no difference in villi length...
21 July 2020 1,424 0 View
I am trying to perform HE staining of small intestine. I used OCT solution to make sections. After HE staining when I look my slides under microscope, I do not get intact villi. In much of the...
16 February 2020 2,424 4 View
We are currently working on a cytosolic protein; however, we think that this protein also has a secreted form and can be detected in the bloodstream. As there is no ELISA kit available for this...
02 February 2020 3,962 2 View
I have seen several papers showing that LPS stimulation alone induces mature IL1b release from macrophages. Can anybody explain the release of matured IL1b in LPS alone stimulation condition and...
07 August 2019 5,377 2 View
Currently, I am working in a protein which translocates to nucleus from cytosol. Our preliminary experiments show that this protein also localizes to various other cellular compartments, possibly...
22 June 2019 569 0 View
I want to study whether two proteins: Myc-tagged protein A and Flag-tagged protein B, interacts with each other or not. For that I co-expressed these proteins in HEK293T cells, and later (after 48...
28 February 2019 4,360 3 View
I want to determine whether protein A and protein B interacts with each other by co-immunoprecipitation analysis. For that I prepared Myc-tagged protein A and Flag-tagged protein B plasmid DNAs. I...
26 February 2019 9,487 3 View
I have been working on two proteins. And I think that these two proteins interact with each other. To prove that, I analyzed there association by endogenous IP, but unfortunately I could not get...
24 December 2018 5,331 3 View
I have been recently trying to isolate primary microglia from mice pups brain (P0-P1). To prepare mixed microglia culture, I used 3 brains for a 75 cm2 flask. After around 10-12 days, astrocyte...
29 April 2018 3,135 13 View
THP-1 cell is a suspension cell, so as I know we do not assign passage numbers. I want to know that for how long time we can keep culturing THP-1 cells after thawing from cell stock.
29 March 2018 8,053 3 View
We tried to measure cAMP from a mouse heart using ELISA. The problem is that we are not getting stable data from varied mice hearts sample. As cAMP can be degraded easily, we suspect that there...
27 February 2017 6,677 3 View
I know that DAPI binds with DNA in the nucleus and produces fluorescence. But, there are many papers in which they just measure and compare transcription factors, e.g. FOXO1 within different...
21 July 2016 2,492 1 View
My lab does EMSA by using radioisotopes, but now we want to do EMSA without radioisotopes. Is there anybody who can share their experiences about non-radioisotopes EMSA.
16 April 2015 6,509 6 View
This may be general question but it is confusing for me. So, it would be great if someone could explain where to use "mean±SD" and "mean±SE"?
18 March 2015 7,018 51 View
I want to overexpress a gene. For that I am going to make full construct of cDNA and insert it into a vector. I am just wondering whether it is necessary to include Kozak sequence before my cDNA....
14 February 2015 8,233 4 View
I want know whether there are cytokines besides IL-13, that can induce periostin from airway epithelial cells.
25 January 2015 7,795 4 View
I want to induce MRP4 in different cell lines by using some specific inducing agents. Does anybody know about any specific inducing agents for MRP4?
22 January 2015 1,797 1 View
Currently, I am performing luciferase assay to measure promoter activity of a SNP. I have two construct, one contains GG genotype and other contains AA genotype. I am using PGL3 basic as a...
06 January 2015 8,017 7 View
I am going to use real time PCR using Taqman assay. I have experience of RT-PCR by using SYBR but I have no idea about Taqman. Can anyone suggest a protocol for Taqman?
09 December 2014 7,511 6 View
I want to measure LTC4 release from HMC-1 mast cells. It would be better if someone could share their experience. I want to stimulate mast cell to release LTC4.
12 November 2014 7,993 3 View
There is a SNP in a promoter region of a gene. I want to know whether any transcription factor binds in that particular region (in SNP). There are many databases which can predict transcription...
07 November 2014 7,310 5 View
Do we need to incubate suspension cell before treatment with drugs (or any stimulants)? As I know for adherent cell, it is required so because it need time to get attached. Does it make any...
08 August 2014 7,854 2 View
I am trying to amplify 333 bp of promoter region of PTGES gene. I got the required band after PCR but intensity is quite low. I tried with the same condition and reagents that I used for...
22 July 2014 6,041 15 View
Can anyone explain the Fasta and Attonated gene sequences? Are they the same sequence or different?
07 April 2014 1,553 1 View
Usually for genetic association analysis there are lots of SNPs, but we generally select few tagSNPs based on LD value (r2)? How can we calculate the r2 value to know which SNPs are to be chosen?
23 February 2014 5,145 2 View
I am doing cloning now by using infusion cloning method, but I am not getting good primers. For infusion primer, we have to add 15bp homologous to 5'. When I get a specific primer, then it has...
06 February 2014 8,907 3 View
I need a little help in naming of SNP. What does "1123" indicates in SNP name, such as -1123C/T? Does this mean upstream of starting point (ATG) or from exon 1?
27 December 2013 7,302 9 View
I performed Gradient PCR to find the appropriate annealing temperature, and I got the high concentration band at 58 °C. But later when I performed RT-PCR, I got non specific band, even sometimes...
20 December 2013 5,586 12 View
I want to perform transfection by electroporation method with Hep3B cell line. Has anybody tried this before?
03 December 2013 2,020 3 View
I am confuse about mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width. What is platelet distribution width?
25 September 2013 9,623 5 View
Currently, I am doing research in platelets, I am trying to find whether platelet activation occurs in chronic urticaria patients (allergic disease) or not. I am measuring P-selectin and P2Y12...
19 September 2013 3,555 16 View
Can anyone tell me why SNP of intron region are selected for genetic association studies? What is the importance of intronic SNP?
18 September 2013 5,382 7 View