29 Questions 50 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mehjabeen Javed
I have done miRNA sequencing and there are 464 novel miRNAs. How is it to show novel miRNAs on heat map, volcano plot along with known miRNAs? Secondly, I also want to know how to go ahead with...
02 February 2024 1,366 4 View
Recently, I did an experiment where RNA was isolated by TRIZOl reagent. Finally the concentration of RNA check by nanodrop was around 5-16 microgram/microliter. Their 260/280 ratios were in the...
03 July 2023 2,833 13 View
I want to do RTPCR for some biomarkers from the serum. But unfortunately, the RBCs get lysed due to this it turns slightly RED. Does it affect the gene expression or RTPCR RESULTS?
28 January 2023 6,289 3 View
I have to determine the effect of some phytoconstituent on MARK4 and microtubule of neuron. How can I do it. I mean do I have to first extract the MARK4 from hippocampus and cortex by RT PCR and...
13 October 2020 851 1 View
I want to check the levels of digestive enzymes of fishes in general, therefore I am searching for spectrophotometric analysis protocol.
10 October 2015 730 4 View
I am working on risk assessment of heavy metals and the results are such that Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) is many folds greater than respective reference dose (RfD), but the THQ is less than...
17 December 2014 3,122 3 View
Currently, I am working on aquatic toxicology, particularly heavy metals. Therefore I want to know the latest maximum permissible limits of these heavy metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) in...
22 November 2014 3,672 17 View
I have worked out the bio-availability of Cu, Ni, Fe, Co, Mn, Cr and Zn in 3 different water bodies and their accumulation in the model fish channa punctatus. I don't get any trend in relation to...
28 April 2014 1,674 2 View
I am working on toxicity to fish brain with different toxicants. Unfortunately literature is not available, if some one could help me getting relevant data related to the topic.
23 April 2014 255 1 View
I am working on hematotoxicity in fish with heavy metals. In one of the papers I read, it said that if haemoglobin and haematocrit increased, then it causes hypoxia in fish. I think that an...
13 January 2014 520 1 View
I determine the enzyme activity in fish liver and muscle by using the diagnostic kit. This mentioned in kit that after calculation the activity is in IU/L, since the kit is designed for serum...
09 December 2013 3,503 14 View
I want to work out the serum lipid profile of fish after affecting with heavy metals. Is it fine to do so? And only serum lipid profile is enough? What will I derive from it?
09 December 2013 4,576 10 View
I am determining the lipid profile of fish liver and muscle by simply making the homogenate in phosphate buffer (50mM, ph 7.2) centrifuge and then proceed according to the protocol given in the...
20 November 2013 8,773 2 View
I want to determine the lipid profile of fish liver and muscle but I am not getting any suitable and simple protocol. Could anybody suggest some simple methodology?
20 November 2013 5,830 4 View
I am working on heavy metal and need to calculate THQ. Would any body help me to calculate and also tell me what is what in this formula THQ = E F x F D xDIM ∕ RfDxWxT. Is any value constant in...
18 November 2013 1,128 6 View
I estimate the heavy metals in 3 water bodies polluted by 3 different sources i) polluted by thermal power plant ii) polluted by sewage and agricultural runoff iii) polluted by sugar mill...
24 September 2013 5,411 3 View
I want to know whether the cause of lipidogenesis in Channa punctatus is heavy metals which are present beyond permissible limits in the water body?
04 September 2013 7,089 5 View
I want to know whether I can determine the enzymes GPT, GOT (by GOT and GPT KIT) and total protein (by Lowry method) from fish liver and muscle dried at 60 C, or do I just use fresh tissues?
02 September 2013 5,795 6 View
I want to know if there is any cheap and easy method for us to remove heavy metals from large natural bodies of water? We will do the biosorption and adsorption experiments in the lab.
23 August 2013 9,497 53 View
I did microtomy by paraffin embedding and the section I get is observed under Nikon eclipse 80i microscope at 40x. I attached the figure in the hope that someone could tell me if the deformities...
20 August 2013 7,749 3 View
I am working on atomic absorption spectrophotometer, I analyzed the sample for Cd but the reading I obtained after analysis is NEGATIVE? What does this mean, is it absent in the sample or below...
02 August 2013 9,299 3 View
I have calculated MPI and BAF for the same fish for Cu, Ni, Fe, Co, Mn and Zn. The result obtained by MPI follows the trend liver>kidney>gills>integument>muscle. While from the BAF was...
05 June 2013 5,865 14 View
I am working on heavy metal pollution in water bodies and particularly concerned with surface water and the fauna. Therefore, I want to know if these two factors will be applicable in water...
19 April 2013 7,713 16 View
I am working on toxicity of Fe, Zn, Cu, and Cr from three different sites on a single fish species. From each site the accumulation of Fe is higher than the other minerals and also its presence in...
18 April 2013 2,343 17 View
I am working on the accumulation of seven metals in a single species collected from a single site. I want to use both BCF and MPI, can anyone tell me if it is ok to do so? Also, can anyone tell me...
15 April 2013 8,735 6 View
I am working on Channa punctatus collected from one site and now want to calculate the metal pollution index (Cu, Ni, Fe, Co), so please tell me is it feasible to calculate MPI in different organs...
12 April 2013 6,633 16 View
I am working on aquatic toxicology. My work purely involves field study. Therefore, I want to know what this index actually is and how it can be calculated?
04 April 2013 4,811 8 View
I am working on different miRNA expressions in Rattus norvegicus. Could any one guide me where and how can I designed the primer for any specific miRNA? Is it the NCBI platform for this too? What...
01 January 1970 6,670 2 View
I am working on proinflammatory cytokines IL6 and IL8 in chemically induced Rattus norvegicus. I have designed the primer for IL6 but unable to do it for IL8, because I do not find any data for...
01 January 1970 8,264 0 View