Recently, I did an experiment where RNA was isolated by TRIZOl reagent.
Finally the concentration of RNA check by nanodrop was around 5-16 microgram/microliter.
Their 260/280 ratios were in the range of 1.98-2.1 and also the 260/230 ratios were in the range of 2.1-2.3.
However, unfortunately the quality analysis by qubit 3 fluorimeter analysis showed RIN values less than 3 and were in the range of 1-1.8. I have to do downstream analysis RNASeq.
Gel was also run but only single band was obtained everytime.
I dont understand when concentrations and ratios were in good range then how can I monitor where I am going wrong. Why it failed the QC by Qubit?
I request to help me findout the reason and trouble shoot the problem..