48 Questions 103 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kunal .
In the procedure of estimation of organic carbon content (Walkley-Black method), 200 ml of distilled water is used. My question is - Can we use tap water instead of distilled water in the...
26 August 2021 915 7 View
In our field experiment we are observing higher nitrate content in field leachate water than ammonium content. We have searched a lot but did not get satisfactory reason. I will be very thankful...
24 February 2021 8,959 18 View
I have seen that some people relate soil organic carbon content as the indicator for N content in soil. Can we consider soil organic carbon content as the basis of fertilizer N application in...
19 May 2020 4,645 16 View
Anyone please tell me how to check the critical value for Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (r) for the value n=167? at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance. Regards, Kunal
28 February 2020 222 4 View
I want to know about the different methods to study microbial populations in soil. Microbial population means taxonomy, what type of microorganisms are present in soil up to genus level. Kindly...
23 July 2019 1,757 2 View
I want to give the RNase treatment in DNA extration. Can anybody please tell me the protocol for RNase buffer for the preparation of RNase solution? Thanks
30 September 2016 4,351 4 View
I am working on denaturing Urea-PAGE. But after the loading of DNA samples, the bands showed wavy or slope pattern instead of straight. What would be the reason? Is there any reason based on PAGE...
10 July 2016 2,401 3 View
We are working on PAGE (Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis) for resolving the amplified DNA samples of wheat crop. But when we tends to prepare PAGE gel, after its solidification, when we remove...
24 February 2016 637 12 View
we are trying to prepare the Taq in our laboratory from cloned E. coli. To induce the enzyme we added IPTG in the Luria Broth (LB) after the growth of bacteria. The normal concentration of IPTG...
22 January 2016 9,740 3 View
As ethidium bromide is carcinogenic, there are several biological and environmental problems are associated with it. Is there any alternative chemical for Ethidium bromide for the detection of DNA...
08 January 2016 545 21 View
For 16S rRNA sequencing to identify bacterial isolates there are several universal primers (forward and reverse) such as 8F, 1492R, 27F, 928F, 336R etc. Are these primers code for some gene? How...
01 July 2015 7,732 2 View
I want to isolate fungi on potato dextrose agar but mostly bacteria and actinomycetes were grown on PD agar. What type of antibiotics can be used to isolate fungi on growth medium that restricts...
17 May 2015 158 30 View
Is petrography for micro-structural analysis of mortar and concrete?
14 March 2015 1,342 7 View
Can you please suggest some water soluble organic calcium salts that can be autoclaved?
07 February 2015 2,397 7 View
According to some literature there should be 0.6% alkalinity in the cement for use in concrete. As the high alkalinity enhanced the early hydration and strength, but affects the durability. Is...
03 February 2015 2,721 3 View
How can we determine the particular bacterial group or species form a mixed culture by using some chemicals? Is there any literature available on this? Please share your experiences and guide...
03 February 2015 6,343 7 View
After acid treatment or bacterial organic acid treatment, what will be the particle morphology of the fly ash or other solid industrial wastes during heavy metal or PAH remediation? Does the...
30 January 2015 1,766 3 View
How can we increase the efficiency of biofertilizer for its efficient use in agriculture? Please provide any link or literature. Thanks.
17 January 2015 934 6 View
Some literature reported that J-ring test for passing ability of self-compacting concrete is the difference between slump flow and J-ring flow diameter, which should normally be within 2 inches...
23 December 2014 2,487 3 View
There are several techniques to identify microbial diversity in soil such as 16S rRNA, PCR-DGGE, pyrosequencing etc. Which one is the best and economic technique and least time consuming. Thanks.
11 December 2014 1,345 5 View
Is there any software that can increase the dpi (300 or 600) of the image or figures for publication work?
11 December 2014 4,781 6 View
How to estimate the mineralogical composition (C3S, C2S, C3A, C4AF etc.) of cement? Is there any analytical instrument or can we estimate it from oxide composition? Thanks.
23 October 2014 9,650 6 View
How can we count the fungal cell or colony/colonies? Is the correct mean of counting the fungal cells by spore counting or by similar spread plate dilution technique as in bacterial cell count?
31 August 2014 1,346 4 View
I want to attain some knowledge on calcite producing algae that can sustain high alkaline atmosphere (water or soil). If any one have some information or working on this aspect please share some...
01 August 2014 8,626 7 View
How do you prepare a micro-capsule or hydro-gel of bacteria? I want to adsorb bacteria on some carrier material (either silica gel or any other inert material) so that I can use it for treating...
30 July 2014 2,692 5 View
I want to check whether isolated bacterial or fungal strain is pathogenic or not. Is there any selective medium? Please provide any link or literature to check the pathogenicity? Thanks.
27 July 2014 2,674 15 View
Please share your perspectives and experiences on the use of bacteria in concrete. Is it really an excellent tool for improving the properties of mortar and concrete? Is it cost effective? What...
06 July 2014 5,118 6 View
How can we estimate the acetic and formic acid content in a solution using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer? If anyone has the protocol, kindly provide it as some protocols I have found on the internet...
13 June 2014 7,697 7 View
Mycorrhiza is considered as mutualistic association between a fungus (Myco) and the roots (rhiza) of the plants. Can we considered Mycorrhiza as biofertilizer or not?
06 June 2014 3,037 25 View
It is well known that pesticides act as C & N sources for the microorganism or we can say that microorganisms utilize pesticides (insecticide/fungicide) as C & N sources for their growth and shows...
18 May 2014 8,266 4 View
Microorganisms are present everywhere, in soil, water, and air. Are buildings and monuments (old or new) acting as habitat or living worlds of different microorganisms? How do they get their food...
17 May 2014 9,379 5 View
Is it possible to achieve this without affecting the strength and durability of structures? We know that raw and construction materials used in cement-concrete system are affecting our environment...
15 May 2014 9,171 7 View
For last 5-6 years, the words bioenergy and biofuel are gaining much publicity, but we are still using non-renewable petroleum-based products as fuels. So much research has been done and currently...
11 May 2014 8,249 64 View
The one method that I know is the DGGE (Denaturing Grading Gel Electrophoresis), that is used to determine the type of bacterial or fungal diversity in soil/water by isolating the community DNA...
03 May 2014 9,194 7 View
I have seen that tensile strength of concrete is always lower than compressive strength values (generally 10-12 folds). How can we enhance the tensile strength of the concrete? Is it possible to...
30 April 2014 5,439 15 View
In bioinformatics, we study about sequences and CpG islands where C&G base pairs are repeated many times. Why is there a need to study CpG islands in prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Is the study of...
09 April 2014 3,694 4 View
I am curious to know about the different perspectives of scientists on the use of biochemical characterization to identify microbes (bacteria/fungi/actinomycetes) when we have reliable molecular...
06 April 2014 9,723 20 View
We do human and animal population surveys. According to http://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ as on April 06, 2014 world population is around 7.224 billions and animal population is...
06 April 2014 1,354 3 View
Please tell me how can I sterilize oil (vegetable oil/lipid substrate) before pouring it into growth medium. Someone suggested not to add oil during autoclaving, but then how can I sterilize it?
03 April 2014 4,020 18 View
I am worried that If we isolate thermophilic bacteria on agar medium, it needs to incubate at high temperature (>50 degree C). At such temperatures, the agar is going to melt or soften. How can we...
26 March 2014 9,824 8 View
It is well reported that a low pH (2-4) favours efficient leaching or mobilisation of heavy metals from water/soil/industrial wastes. If we use alkali tolerant/alkaliphilic bacteria which grows...
22 March 2014 1,100 2 View
What is the fate of heavy metals in concrete containing fly ash-Portland cement that was added (in which bacteria was added) during casting of the concrete? Is it similar to the process of...
22 March 2014 6,170 0 View
I want to work on some topic of industrial wastes (fly ash/sludges/incinerator ash etc.). As much work has been done and published on heavy metals in several wastes, what type of other work can...
11 March 2014 1,359 9 View
If we already use less alkaline cement or use some non-alkaline cementitious materials in partial replacement of cement can it affect the corrosion (by increasing or decreasing it)? As decrease in...
26 February 2014 4,639 12 View
Would anyone clear my doubts about whether there is an alkaline or non-alkaline nature of cement/concrete causes corrosion in reinforced concrete? And how?
24 February 2014 3,529 10 View
16S rDNA gene in bacteria is conserved in same genus of the family. I have identified a bacterium using 16S rDNA technique using universal forward and reverse primers. As genes also code for some...
22 February 2014 2,760 10 View
I have checked many research papers to find the %G+C content of whole bacterial genomes. Can the %G+C content of the whole bacterial genome be estimated by the %G+C content of the 16S rDNA...
21 February 2014 4,793 4 View
Recently I came to know about a new indexing platform 'RSquareL'. They are continuously sending emails for submitting my already published articles to their website for some scoring and indexing....
01 January 1970 403 3 View